Chapter 1259

But the other elite guards of the Duanmu family were not so lucky. The waves rose so suddenly that they were directly photographed underwater.

If it was normal river water, it would be easy for them to escape.

But what they were facing was the water of the Dan River, which was violent with Dan Li. When they touched it, their skin was corroded, their true energy was released, and they sank to the bottom of the water within a few strokes.

Duanmu Luo's eyes were scarlet—these were all the elite of the family, and they were wiped out in one breath!
Standing against the wind, standing above the Dan River, he didn't dare to land on the bank rashly, but asked loudly: "Where is the master, it is not a gentleman who hides in the dark and sneak attack, why don't you show up and see!"

What answered him was the dead branches and leaves sweeping from all directions, as well as the ethereal aura.

He rolled up his sleeve robe and knocked these things down casually. His sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, but he still couldn't tell where Duanmu intended.

The aura on Duanmuyi's body merged perfectly with the surrounding spirits. If she didn't search deliberately, it would be impossible to find her aura.

At this moment, she also looked at the people in mid-air and gritted her teeth.

Sure enough, a person at the Golden Core stage can break her attack with a wave of his hand, but after she has done these two steps, she has already exhausted the true energy in her dantian.

Controlling the spiritual power in the Dan River required far more power than she had imagined, almost exposing her figure.

Her eyes were ruthless, and she raised her hand again to squeeze the true energy in her body, trying to control Danhe water again.

The Dan River boiled, and the water condensed into a whip, which flew up from the river and whipped high towards the two of them.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao screamed uncontrollably, Duanmuluo didn't dare to fight recklessly, backed away again and again, and slapped out a few bursts of spiritual power in his palm, only then did he block the water whip.

On the shore, Duanmuyi spat out a mouthful of blood and fell from the tree.

Unable to hide her breath, Duanmuluo immediately spotted her.

At the same time, Duanmu Xiaoxiao screamed: "Liu'er! Uncle, it's her! Kill her!"

Duanmu Luo's eyes suddenly showed murderous intent, and he stretched out his palm towards her, and Duanmu Yi's body flew towards him uncontrollably.

With five fingers folded into claws, Duanmuluo strangled her neck tightly.

When the three of them landed on the shore, Duanmu Luo punched Duanmuyi's lower abdomen with a punch. Immediately, her internal organs seemed to be broken, and the severe pain swept through her whole body, making her want to curl up.

It's just... this kind of pain is nothing compared to what I suffered back then.

Duanmu smiled with blood in his eyes: "If you have the ability to kill me, otherwise, today is just a lesson for you."

More than 20 lives, is it just a lesson?
Duanmuluo looked at her, frowning slightly, he didn't expect this woman to be cruel!

He could feel that this person was only at the innate stage of cultivation, and it was unheard of that he could destroy more than [-] elite guards with a single move.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao saw his hesitation, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said: "Uncle, she is Di Kongxuan's maid, if the tiger is let go, Di Kongxuan will not let it go."

"Xiao Xiao, what do you want to do?"

"I want to scrape off the flesh of her face one by one, pull out her tendons one by one, break her bones, and throw her into the Dan River!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao looked at Duanmuyi and said viciously.

She hated this person, not only because she had ruined her good deeds several times, but also because there was an aura about her that made her resist.

Hearing Duanmu Xiaoxiao's vicious words, Duanmuyi sneered, she was still so vicious!
(End of this chapter)

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