Chapter 1260

If she were to know that she was Duanmuyi, she would probably do anything to punish herself and make her life worse than death.

"Chichi!" A shadow flew over like lightning, with sharp claws stretched out, and grabbed three bloodstains on the back of Duanmuluo's hand.

The ear fox stood on Duanmuyi's shoulder, grinning threateningly, revealing its sharp teeth.

Duanmuluo's eyes lit up: "Ear fox?"

"Uncle recognizes?"

"Naturally, no more than ten spirit beasts in the entire continent are extremely rare.

It's actually here, Xiao Xiao, don't you still have spirit beasts?This one is for you. " Duanmuluo said.

Duanmuyi twitched his mouth and said with a sneer: "As expected of a family, the degree of shamelessness is exactly the same!"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao raised his palm and slapped her on the face, quite elated: "If it falls into our hands, you still dare to do it? You are just..."

"You are just a lowly maidservant with no status, why do you have so many good things!"

As soon as Duanmu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, a cold wind with the sharpness of a knife blew straight across her cheeks.

The pain was so bad Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help covering her face, and cried out, "It hurts so much, who! Who's there!"

Behind the bushes on the shore, a man's voice suddenly sounded, evil and cold: "What are you, people who dare to touch me?"

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, seeing Dikong Xuanxiemei's figure, he was actually relieved from the bottom of his heart.

"Who are you?" Duanmuluo looked at the person coming, narrowing his eyes vigilantly.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao said in a low voice: "Uncle, he is Dikongxuan."

"Oh?" Duanmuluo couldn't detect Di Kongxuan's background, so he naturally lacked confidence, so he just said, "It turns out to be the Emperor. Your maid injured more than twenty lives of my clansmen, and I hope the Emperor will let me take her back to deal with it." .”

Di Kongxuan walked in front of the three of them, turned his eyes to Duanmuyi's body, his face remained motionless, but his eyes became more and more cold.

He raised the corners of his lips and smiled coldly: "Twenty or so people, if you kill them, you will kill them.

If you dare to touch her, you deserve to die too! "

"Arrogance!" Duanmuluo stared, pushed Duanmuyi to the ground with a palm, and placed a restraint on her body, then flashed the magic talisman in his palm, and slapped Dikongxuan.

He knew that his cultivation base was weaker than Di Kongxuan, but the spirit talisman specially made by the Spirit Race could exert power three times his own strength, so he dared to do it.

However, Di Kongxuan just smiled contemptuously, leaped up and down, and landed behind him in the blink of an eye. With a wave of his sleeve, several golden arrows flew out of his palm and pierced into his back.

Duanmuluo spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at him in disbelief.

Golden Arrow?Is it golden?how is this possible!

Duanmuluo felt that he must be dazzled. A person with golden spiritual power has already transformed into a god?
How can a person who transforms a god stay within the barrier!
Wrong, he must be wrong!
However, he couldn't even catch Di Kongxuan's move!

Duanmu Xiaoxiao covered her mouth, trembling all over.

Duanmuluo knew it was wrong, and immediately shouted: "Xiao Xiao, go!"

While speaking, he pounced forward again, in a desperate gesture.

"Uncle..." Duanmu Xiaoxiao took two steps back, so frightened that he was at a loss what to do, and finally turned around and ran away.

Di Kongxuan was ready to kill, so naturally he would not allow her to escape, and was about to make a move, but saw Duanmuluo make a false move, actually drew out a sword and stabbed Duanmuyi.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, he immediately turned around, and slapped Duanmuluo's Tianling Gai with a devastating palm, directly smashing his thoughts into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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