Chapter 1264

Di Kongxuan raised his hand, stroked her hair, and hooked her into his arms, bent his lips and smiled, capturing the bright spring light, so charming and unparalleled.

"What are you afraid of? With my son here, who can hurt you?"

This movement became more and more perfect, Duanmu wanted to pull out, but he didn't expect that his hands were tightened!

Duanmuyi's cheeks were slightly red, and he pretended to be calm and said: "In the vast world, capable people come forth in large numbers, you better not be pretentious."

He snorted coldly: "The person who can hurt me has not yet been born."

"Really?" Duanmu paused and asked, "Then how did you get poisoned?"

She had heard from Jiang Yi a long time ago that Di Kongxuan occasionally went berserk because he was poisoned by a strange poison.

When he is going berserk, his cultivation will be more advanced, almost invincible, but there will be a three-day period of weakness after that.

Jiang Su has been developing an antidote, but at present there is only a sustained release agent, and the real antidote has not been developed yet.

Dikongxuan's body froze for a moment, and suddenly his whole body became cold.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, but was pushed away by him, and bumped into the side of the boat, causing pain in his back.

Dikongxuan's eyebrows were stained with snow, his eyes were indifferent, the corners of his lips were still raised, but there was no trace of warmth.

It looks as good as an ice sculpture.

"Don't inquire about my affairs!"

The voice was cold and harsh, as if she said one more word, she would be torn to pieces.

This person's temper was like that of June Snow, making him unpredictable.

Duanmuyi straightened his body, lowered his head obediently, and replied: "My lord, calm down, it's the servant who has usurped."

How could she have forgotten that this person is a murderous evildoer, a demon who wanted to kill her as soon as he met him.

How could she lose herself in the seemingly non-existent warmth these days?

Although she didn't know where his hatred came from, but he was always moody, how could she control it?

This person is the ethereal wind, and anyone who tries to speculate on him will be covered in bruises.

Duanmuyi's eye sockets were slightly damp and hot, and he swallowed the bitterness in his throat.

For the next few days, neither of them spoke.

Sailing on the Dan River was already boring, and a spirit ship didn't need a helmsman, so there were only the two of them on board, and Duanmu Yi couldn't bear it after living a dumb life like this for a few days.

She ran to the stern of the boat, looked at the colorful Dan River, and muttered, "Uncle is just an uncle. He's very old and still holds grudges like this."

There are also many spiritual beings under the Dan River, smelling her breath at this moment, a fish swam up, looked at her and said with a smile: "Are you talking about the person who is on the same boat as you?"

Finally something to talk to her, Duanmu nodded solemnly.

"Yeah, you don't know how hateful he is. He broke my arm, killed me several times, and lost his temper with me when he disagreed with me...

Damn, no one dared to treat me like this before, who dared to be so presumptuous, I shot him dead! "

"He treats you badly, why do you still follow him?"

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then clicked his tongue: "I said, why are you talking so much nonsense?
... Well, I don't know, maybe he is good-looking, I have never met such a good-looking person before.

Besides, tell me, I can't beat him now, and sometimes he treats me well...

I don't know if my father would treat me so well if he was around? "

She was an orphan in her previous life. Although Di Kongxuan treated her badly, she was not bad at all. She was used to being alone, so even a little bit of warmth would make her feel very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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