Chapter 1265

Di Kongxuan's complexion was bright when he heard the last sentence, but it became cloudy again when he heard the last sentence.

How dare she treat herself as a father?

The little fish felt his murderous intent, and Gulu got into the bottom of the water.

Duanmuyi turned her head, saw him, and stood up slowly.

"Wait ashore, there is a market town nearby, go buy some things." Di Kongxuan said, turned and left.

Duanmu felt concerned, and he didn't know how much he had heard.

She went back to the room dejectedly, and with a thought, Erhu appeared in front of her.

"Chichi!" The ear fox jumped on her shoulder, scratched her hair, and protested that she had locked herself up for so long.

"Don't make trouble." Duanmuyi hugged the ear fox down, poked its little face, "Come with me to the town later, don't run around, you know?"

Erhu smiled and rolled in her palm.

Not long after, the spirit boat docked, and the two got off the boat together, and walked towards a market town not far away.

A little farther away, a group of people hid in the reeds and watched the ship.

The Fifth Elder looked at it for a while and said, "Xiao Xiao, are you sure that this person killed the second child?"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao said with red eyes: "Fifth Grandpa, it was really him, Xiao Xiao saw it with his own eyes. If uncle hadn't saved me desperately, Xiao Xiao wouldn't be alive now."

"This person's cultivation is indeed profound, and I'm no match for him. Xiao Xiao, let's go back first and ask your grandpa for help. With his help, everything will be easy." The Fifth Elder said.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao bit her lip, raised her head and said, "Fifth Grandpa, I've been watching them all the way. If Grandpa comes and can't find anyone, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

The Fifth Elder thought for a while, felt reasonable, and said: "Okay, Xiao Xiao, be careful in everything."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao nodded, "I will."

That's what she said, but how could she make those two people proud?
There are not many people in the market town, but they are all masters in the innate realm, and even saw a lot of Jindan stage. Duanmuyi's strength can only be regarded as mediocre among this group of people.

Of course, at her age, reaching this level of cultivation is considered pretty good.

"What are we going to buy?"

Di Kongxuan glanced back seemingly absently, then lifted his lips and said with a smile: "Don't worry, find a teahouse and sit down."

All the market towns are recruiting practitioners, so all the teahouses supply tea and wine that is full of spiritual energy.The two randomly picked one to sit down and ordered a pot of "Yunshangfeng".

"It's Duanmu Xiaoxiao?" Duanmu raised his eyebrows intentionally, and also noticed that someone was following him.

"It seems that I want to play with you." Di Kongxuan said with a smile.

Duanmu glanced back nonchalantly, then stretched, got up and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

Di Kongxuan suppressed the smile on his lips, huh?I'm afraid it's a good show to watch.

Leaving the teahouse, go around to the side alley, not far away is a latrine.

She pretended to have an upset stomach and ran in.

Not long after, a man's rough voice sounded outside, and immediately someone kicked open the toilet door.

"Haha, beauty, the master is here!"

However, the toilet was empty.

"Where's the person?" The man froze for a moment, a corner of his clothes brushed his cheek, he looked up, but found a white and clean hand lightly reaching over, pressing his eyes.

Just as he was about to resist, he heard the girl's soft voice ringing in his ears: "Shhh—be quiet."

(End of this chapter)

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