Chapter 1267

Duanmu Xiaoxiao Miaoman's body appeared in the eyes of everyone, and then Duanmu Xiaoxiao screamed from the whole street.

Duanmu Yi was stunned for a moment, the wind came at the right time, glanced at Duanmu Xiaoxiao, and said with a sneer: "Dung and naked body fly together, stupid donkey and stupid pig, it's really interesting."

"Let's go!" Di Kongxuan came to Duanmuyi's side, without even giving Duanmu Xiaoxiao a straight look.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao immediately snatched the passerby's coat and put it on her body, with anger burning in her eyes, she watched the two walk away, and clenched her fists fiercely.

Just now Di Kongxuan released the pressure on her, silently warning her!
Hehe, Di Kongxuan, you are really protecting that bitch Liu Er, the more you want to protect her, the more I will tear her apart!

One day I will make this slut a slave for thousands of people!

If one blow failed, she didn't dare to act rashly anymore, and could only wait for the arrival of the Great Elder.

"That was a good move just now." Di Kongxuan praised Duanmuyi once in a while when he saw Duanmuyi attacking the prodigal son.

Duanmuyi snorted: "Want to learn?"

Di Kongxuan looked at her with an idiot look: "I still need to learn this kind of thing?"

Er... Duanmuyi was silent for a moment, defeated.

That's right, on the Cangyang Continent, aura is the most respected, and Di Kongxuan's cultivation level is obviously higher than that of most people, so there is really no need to learn these fighting skills.

In his eyes, martial arts may be just a small fight.

"However, you can try in the future to integrate these moves into your exercises to create new exercises." Di Kongxuan added.

Duanmuyi's eyes lit up again: "Do you have a solution?"

"Let's improve your cultivation first. When encountering monsters, learn while fighting." Di Kongxuan said.

"Yes, then where are we going to find monsters?"

Di Kongxuan's long and narrow phoenix pupils slightly narrowed, and four words came out from his vermilion lips: "Mountain Sea Spiritual Realm."

Di Kongxuan took out a sheepskin scroll from the spirit ring and handed it to her.

Duanmuyi took it and looked carefully, only then did he know where the mountain and sea spiritual realm he was talking about was.

The mountain and sea spiritual domain can be said to not be a place on this plane, and it can also be understood as two time-spaces.

However, on the vast continent, there are many points, and through these points, one can lead to the mountain and sea spiritual realm by activating spiritual power.

In the mountain and sea spiritual domain, there are a large number of monsters, and there are also many geniuses and treasures, which attract countless practitioners to follow.

However, opportunities and dangers coexist. There are many high-level monsters in the mountain and sea spiritual realms that are above the [-]th level of the golden core stage, and the distribution is irregular. Once a practitioner encounters them, it will be a dead end.

"All the sites in the spiritual domain are in the human world, but very few practitioners in the human world have broken through the congenital Dzogchen, so in the past hundred years, fewer and fewer people have gone to the mountain and sea spiritual domain." Di Kongxuan said .

Duanmuyi's heart was extremely hot - she yearned for this place full of mystery.

However, Di Kongxuan's next sentence disappointed her: "You can only go there when you break through the Innate Great Perfection and reach the Golden Core Realm."

This also means that, for the time being, she cannot improve herself by hunting monsters.

"Can the elixir be found in the Mountain and Sea Spirit Realm?" Duanmuyi asked again.

Di Kongxuan pointed to the map: "The size of the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm is ten times that of the entire Cangyang Continent. There is still no elixir found in the Cangyang Continent. The Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm is so big, do you think you can do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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