Chapter 1268

Duanmu was discouraged.

Duanmuyi followed Dikongxuan all the way south along the Dan River, stopping occasionally to purchase supplies in market towns.

After spending three months, I finally saw a bright future.

There are no longer continuous mountains, and the air breathed by the tip of the nose has also begun to become a little turbid.

She was refreshed, knowing that the world of the human world was coming.

"The aura in the human world is not as good as that of the Jialan and Lingzu. I will teach you a set of breathing methods. After entering the human world, use the method I taught you. Don't breathe at will." Di Kongxuan handed her a scroll .

The two had been floating on the river for too long, even if they had occasional contact with practitioners, even if they were accompanied by ear foxes and secluded apes fighting, it was still not worth living among the crowd.

A wooden bridge gradually and clearly appeared in front of the eyes, spanning the Dan River.

And the Dan River is also here, making a sudden turn, flowing towards the mountain forest on the right, but not flowing into the human world.

On the wooden bridge, the Huaguang can be vaguely seen flowing, which is where the enchantment is located.

The spirit boat stopped at the entrance of the barrier, and Di Kongxuan took out a jade cong from his bosom, and pressed it on the barrier.

After a while, the barrier separated to the two sides, the two flew in alone, and the barrier closed.

A cold breath rushed over, and what caught the eye was lush green. Behind the enchantment was a primeval forest, with the canopy covering the sky and the sun, and the surroundings were dark.

Duanmuyi has never been to the human world, looked around curiously, couldn't help but get a ray of mind, wanting to communicate with spirits.

To her disappointment, there was no response from the huge primeval forest.

Di Kongxuan knew what she was thinking, so he said: "The spiritual energy in the human world is getting thinner and thinner, and spiritual things are not everywhere."

"In that case, wouldn't the elixir be even rarer?" Duan Muyi frowned, "Why don't you go to the Spirit Race to find it?"

In the human world where spiritual energy is thin, how difficult is it to find all the five flavors of elixir?

"All the spirit medicines and herbs of the spirit clan are under the control of the major families. Are you looking for them or grabbing them?" Di Kongxuan smiled playfully and cast a sideways glance at her.

Duanmu felt ashamed and annoyed, turned around and left.

Di Kongxuan folded his arms and watched her walk a long way before he slowly said, "The direction is wrong, this way."

In the distance, Duanmuyi turned his head and gritted his teeth. This hateful uncle definitely did it on purpose!
In the end, he followed him limply.

The primeval forest was huge, and the two of them spent three days wandering in it, and they only walked less than halfway, but they got deeper and deeper into the forest.

When night fell, Di Kongxuan raised the fire.

"Are you afraid of the cold?" Duanmu asked curiously.

For their practitioners, there will naturally be true energy in the dantian to protect the body, which will not be invaded by cold or heat, so why make a fire?

Di Kongxuan knew that she knew nothing about it, so it was rare for him to explain patiently: "Lighting a fire is to ward off wild beasts. Beasts in the human world have not developed their spiritual intelligence, and they don't know how to evade them, so they are easy to attack people."

As soon as the words fell, there were wolves howling one after another in the surrounding mountains and forests.

There was a beeping sound from the fire, and Duanmu focused his attention and looked to the northeast.

She could feel that there was an aura in that direction, which was not an ordinary spirit beast.

Di Kongxuan stroked his chin and murmured, "A roe beast in the Golden Core stage?"

It is rare for beasts in the human world to cultivate to the innate Dzogchen. Generally, one who has an innate level of [-] or [-] is already very powerful.

It's a bit weird that there will be a tenth-level golden elixir beast here.

Duan Muyi raised his head, his face excited: "Is it a monster? Can it absorb spiritual energy?"

"It's only the tenth level of Golden Core stage, but it's better than nothing for you." Di Kongxuan nodded, but didn't intend to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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