Chapter 1269

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment: "You... let me fight against the golden core stage monsters alone?"

"Golden Core Stage tenth level, if you fight hard, there may not be no chance of winning. Besides, the roe deer likes to collect exotic flowers and herbs, and there may be in its old lair..." Before he could finish his sentence, Duanmuyi had already stood up. Woke up.

Dikongxuan let out a muffled laugh, and suddenly flipped his wrist, and an object fell into Duanmuyi's arms.

She picked it up and saw that it was a short knife.

About the length of a forearm, the scabbard is adorned with seven gems, which shimmer with colorful light in the dark night.

She gently pulled it out an inch, and saw the cold light reflected into her eyes like flowing water, like shooting stars in the sky, instantly lighting up the darkness.

"Could it be the Seven Treasures Blade?" she whispered.

"Hurry up, the meat of the roe deer is tender and full, cut some and come back to taste." Uncle Di Kongxuan waved his hand like a master.

Duanmuyi resisted the urge to cut him first, turned around and sank into the dark night forest.

Who told me to be her slave!
Di Kongxuan didn't follow, and swept his palm over the puddle on the ground, the puddle was like a mirror, showing Duanmuyi's situation clearly, everything was in sight.

Duanmuyi didn't go far, and saw a huge tree, it took more than a dozen people to embrace it, the roots were exposed to the ground, and they were as thick as her thighs.

And beside the giant tree, there was a wild beast standing up, looking at her threateningly.

The roe deer, a monster that likes to eat people, likes to crush the bones of people before eating.

Duanmuyi didn't dare to be careless in the face of the golden core stage monsters.

A giant snake had already killed her last time. Although her cultivation level has improved further, there is still a huge difference.

She clenched the dagger tightly and stepped forward slowly...

The palm of Duanmuyi's left hand had gathered aura, and the weeds and vines in the forest began to grow wildly.

The roe deer beast roared and rushed over first.

Duanmuyi stepped on the ancient tree, jumped up in the air, and a spiritual energy in his palm turned into a giant fist, and smashed on the back of the roe deer.

The roe deer beast swayed, fell to the ground, bounced up again, and bit its sharp teeth towards her calf.

A man and a beast quickly fought together, and Duanmuyi keenly noticed that the monsters in the human world were much weaker than those of the Jialan and Lingzu at the same level.

Perhaps it is the rules of the human world.

Her strikes became more and more cunning and swift, and the roe beast gradually couldn't keep up with her speed. It took a few steps back, snorted, and suddenly opened its mouth and let out a roar.

Duanmu Yilingtai was shaken, and his mind was confused. When he was awake, he couldn't detect it. He quickly backed away, but his left arm was already bitten by the roe deer.

She quickly raised her right hand, and the Seven Treasure Blade mercilessly pierced into its head, hitting the golden core directly.

The sharpness of the Seven Treasure Blade can be said to be invincible in the world.

Such a hard head of the roe deer beast, but the Seven Treasures Blade pierced straight in like peeling tofu paste, destroying the golden elixir immediately.

The roe deer struggled for a moment, then fell to the ground.

Duanmuyi freed the injured left arm from its mouth, then gestured left and right, and dragged it away.

In the depths of the forest, two figures slowly emerged.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao pinched his sleeves, in disbelief: "She...was escaped again!"

She specially asked the Great Elder to go to the deepest part of the cold forest to lure the most high-level monster here, just to kill Liu'er, but she didn't expect that she was only slightly injured.

(End of this chapter)

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