Chapter 1270

The Great Elder's eyes followed her back, and he said slowly in an old voice: "Her exercises are very strange, I have never seen them before."

"What's so strange, isn't she just a poor girl!"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao bit her lip, pulled the elder's sleeve coquettishly, "Grandpa, I don't care, I will definitely let her die!"

The Great Elder snorted and said, "If she orders again next time, Grandpa will kill her with one move!"

Only then did Duanmu Xiaoxiao sneer in satisfaction.

Seeing that Duanmuyi's life was not in danger, Dikongxuan turned back, and with a sweep of his palm, the mirror on the ground returned to the puddle it was before.

As if nothing had happened.

When Duanmuyi returned to the original place, Dikongxuan was leaning leisurely on the tree trunk, roasting a hare.

Duanmuyi threw the roe deer beast's body on the ground, then sat down beside the roe deer beast, clutching his injured shoulder, and said, "Tell me quickly, how to absorb its spiritual power?"

"Not in a hurry." He caught a glimpse of the blood on her arm, a gleam of coldness flashed across his eyes, and hummed after a while, "It can also hurt, it's really useless."

Duanmu was frustrated, turned around and took out the wound medicine from the spirit ring, cleaned the wound by himself, and did not speak to him.

Don't even look at it, she is just a little trash in the late stage of congenital, but against the roe beast of the tenth level of the Jindan stage, it is already very good to be able to sharpen it, what if she is injured a little bit!
Di Kongxuan got up, walked to her side, and snatched the medicine from her hand: "Tiantian knows how to show off his abilities, but he doesn't even know how to beg for mercy from your wise and mighty master."

Wise and mighty?You are so thick-skinned, how can anyone say that about yourself.

The corners of Duanmu Pasta's mouth twitched slightly, "Slaves are humble and dare not bother the master."

"Heh." Di Kongxuan sneered, tore off her sleeves, but gently wiped the bloodstains with a cotton cloth, revealing the blood holes made by his teeth, and the bones were deep.

Duanmu avoided his gaze, took out the gauze and handed it to him: "Bandage."

Di Kongxuan took the gauze, wrapped up the wound, and asked suddenly: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Are you kidding me? Why am I afraid of you?" The word "fear" is not in her dictionary.

She avoided him earlier because she didn't want to hit a stone with a pebble and chose to be wise and protect herself.

Now entering the human world, he came to help her find medicine, the two of them are now teammates, let alone be afraid.

Di Kongxuan smiled with satisfaction.

After the wound was bandaged, Duanmu couldn't wait to ask him how to absorb the spiritual power of the roebeast. Dikongxuan taught her a set of formulas, and she immediately got up and sat next to the roebeast's corpse.

Folding her hands, palms up, she slowly closed her eyes, and silently recited the formula.

After a while, the bluish-white spiritual power in her body began to spread out from her body surface, wrapping her and the corpses of the roe deer beast inside.

Red spiritual power overflowed from the roe deer beast's body at the same time, and gradually merged with her bluish-white spiritual power and returned to her body.

After a few cycles like this, Duanmuyi opened his eyes.

"Why don't you feel anything?"

Di Kongxuan sneered, took the dagger and cut off the belly of the roe deer beast, and said half-sarcastically: "A mere tenth level Golden Core stage, removing impurities, can be used by you but a drop in the bucket.

From the innate late stage to the innate great perfection, the spiritual power required is a huge amount. "

Duanmuyi frowned, and after a while, asked: "Then can we find more powerful monsters here?"

(End of this chapter)

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