Chapter 1271

"The spiritual energy in the human world is thin, and the roe beast should already be the top existence in this forest. Don't daydream." Di Kongxuan threw the meat into her arms, and said, "Go to the barbecue."

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth, took the meat, and went to the side to wash it.

After eating and drinking enough, the night was dark, Duanmuyi yawned, and leaned against the tree trunk to get ready to sleep.

Di Kongxuan poked the fire, added some firewood, and then sat beside her.

Duanmuyi stiffened on one side of his body, trying to move away a little, but he held down his shoulder.

He only heard his smiling voice ringing in his ears: "Why, is this young master a scourge?"


"Then sleep." Di Kongxuan said indifferently but could not resist.

Duanmuyi knew that she couldn't resist, so she had no choice but to be held by his shoulders and leaned against his shoulders.

At first, her back was still stiff, but gradually, she couldn't resist the oncoming drowsiness, and gradually fell asleep.

Di Kongxuan heard her breathing gradually becoming more even, and he didn't even realize it, but he actually showed a gentle smile, which was extremely inconsistent with his usual temperament.

But like the jade in front of the Buddha, people just want to be intoxicated by his light.

The next morning, when Duanmuyi woke up, he was in a daze for a moment.She rubbed her eyes and sat up, only to realize that she had slept in Dikongxuan's arms all night.

She turned her head to look, but the man still had his eyes closed, breathing shallowly.

Taking a close look at his sleeping face, Duanmuyi finally knew what is called the proud son of heaven.

Every line of his is so smooth and perfect, no more and no less.

The eyelashes are covered and drawn in an ink-like arc.

With a fair complexion, people can't help but want to knead.

She has seen quite a few handsome men and beautiful men from all over the world, but there is no doubt that Di Kongxuan is the best-looking man she has ever seen.

Her hand rested half an inch in front of his cheek, her fingers curled up, but she retracted them.

She shouldn't be tempted, such a man cannot belong to her.

Before he could withdraw his hand, he had already grabbed it.

His palm was cool and covered with a thin callus.

Duanmuyi flinched, and the eyes were like blue waves rippling, the wine cup was overflowing, and those tightly closed eyes slowly opened.

Originally, he thought that his facial features were exquisite and his appearance was peerless.

But the moment he opened his eyes, he felt that the world was pale, only these eyes remained.

Stained with a shallow smile, it seems to be frozen for thousands of miles.

The eyes are unparalleled, but they are as flawless as cold jade.

The most spiritual part of his body is these eyes.

Being watched by him, Duanmuyi felt like snow under the scorching sun, about to melt inch by inch.

At some point, the four lips were already stuck together, and Di Kongxuan lightly touched her soft lips.

His left hand clasped her back tightly, pulling her towards him, while his right hand kept moving slowly.

Duanmu grabbed the shirt on his chest helplessly, and closed his eyes tightly.

This touch is so..., so real, so tender.

"Emperor..." Her words were engulfed in each other's affection, and she gradually lost her direction.

After a while, the two separated, and Duanmuyi sat on the root of the tree, clutching his hands tightly, sighing slightly——his skills are really good, she can't compare.

(End of this chapter)

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