Chapter 1272

The last time outside the Jialan tribe, her obedience after being kissed by him is completely different from the willing obedience she is now.

She felt that she was about to end, and Dikong Xuan was really her doom.

Di Kongxuan seemed to be in a good mood, and pulled her up: "Go, let's go to the old lair of the roe deer."

The two walked one after the other, but Di Kongxuan didn't let go of her hand all the way.

He didn't let go until a cave appeared in front of him, and walked in first.

"The cave is so inside, how could the roe deer beast run out?" Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, trying to sense the surroundings, but he didn't find anyone's breath.

Did he think wrong?
"Are you hungry, go out to find something to eat?" Duanmuyi asked.

Di Kongxuan shook his head, then smiled lightly after a while and said, "Forget it, let's find the medicine first."

Regardless of whether someone deliberately lured the roe deer beast out, if they wanted to do something, there would be another next step, so why bother?
He still prefers to sit on the sidelines.

Duanmuyi followed in, and found that the air inside was very open, and there was even a mountain stream flowing under his feet.

She let go of her consciousness and quickly walked towards a corner.

In the corner were piled up medicinal herbs and jewels, as well as some white bones and worn clothes, probably dragged here by roe deer to have a feast after killing someone.

She rummaged through the pile of herbs, but couldn't find any of the five elixir.

Di Kongxuan said: "It's normal if there are none, these herbs are good, let's put them away first."

Duanmuyi put it into the spirit ring according to his words. Suddenly, the ear fox poked its head out from the spirit ring and quickly rushed to the depths of the cave.

The two followed, but saw Erhu standing on a small box, chirping.

A little surprise appeared on Di Kongxuan's face: "It's so rich in alchemy."

Duanmuyi opened the lid of the box, and there were three bottles of spirit pills and five demon pills inside.

Erhu hugged one of the fiery red demon pills, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Erhu chewed a few mouthfuls, swallowed it directly, and touched his belly at the end, looking satisfied.

Duanmu couldn't help laughing, and picked up its neck: "Eat indiscriminately, be careful of diarrhea."

Erhu kicked her legs, and handed her another blue demon pill in a fawning manner.

"Confiscated." Duanmuyi put everything into his spirit ring without saying a word.

Di Kongxuan looked around and saw nothing of value, so he led her out of the cave.

At this moment, a thin voice entered Duanmuyi's ears.

"Excuse me...can you give me the blue demon pill?"

Duanmuyi looked around in surprise, and finally found a brightly colored bird on a tree.

"Do you want this demon pill?" She took it out and handed it over.

The bird happily took it, put it in his mouth, and said: "Thank you, with this demon pill, I can hit the Jindan Stage."

It was rare for Duanmuyi to meet a spiritual creature that could communicate with her, so he quickly asked, "Then do you know where there is a spiritual medicine?"

"Elixir?" Bird tilted his head, "There are a lot of elixir here."

"Not here." Duanmuyi asked about the five elixir one by one, but the birds shook their heads, saying that they had never seen them before.

Duanmuyi was a little disappointed, bid farewell to the bird, and left with Dikongxuan.

Shortly after they left, there were ripples in the air, and two figures appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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