Chapter 1273

"Grandpa, what are the five-flavored elixirs used for?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao asked.

The Great Elder squinted his eyes: "The lavender grass brings the dead back to life, the grass lychee relieves the pain, the sand tree clears the turbidity, the xun grass removes the scars, and the bones by the stream can cure all poisons. They are all hard-to-find panacea in the world."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up: "That Liu'er must need it, I won't let her have it!"

"I'll send a letter back to the family first, asking the patriarch to find out what can be done after collecting the five flavors of elixir." The elder was not moved by this, but said calmly.

At his level of cultivation, there are very few things that can make his heart turmoil.

"It's best to let our people find these elixir first, and then lead her here." Duanmu Xiaoxiao said, "Hmph, when the time comes, I want her to kneel in front of me and beg me."

The Great Elder glanced at her, as if he didn't agree with her violent thoughts, but in the end he didn't say anything, and led her to hide.

With his cultivation base, if he deliberately concealed it, even Di Kongxuan would not find it easy.

Three days later, Di Kongxuan and Duanmuyi finally walked out of the primeval forest, and there was a quiet village outside the mountain. It was morning, misty and trafficked, very beautiful.

Duanmuyi stretched out and sighed: "Finally came out."

She was about to move forward, but was held back by Di Kongxuan.

"You plan to go out like this?"

Duanmuyi looked down at himself, there was nothing wrong with the white gauze skirt.

Di Kongxuan seemed to sigh, turned her face away, took out a box of ointment from his sleeve, picked some and spread it on her face.

His slightly callused palm brushed her cheek, warm and close to her.

"I... I'll do it myself." Duanmuyi took half a step back and wiped it by himself, his face was flushed without feeling the force.

"Come here." Di Kongxuan said lightly.

Duanmuyi paused and moved over.

A charcoal pencil made her eyebrows thicker, and the ends of her eyebrows were pressed down, making her look even more ordinary.

The yellow powder hit her face, covering her jade-white face, and even the color of her lips became darker.

After a while, the elegant and flawless girl turned into a disheveled village woman.

"Change your clothes." Di Kongxuan took out another coarse blue dress that he bought earlier.

Duanmuyi took it, and ran behind the tree to change clothes, when he came out, he found that Di Kongxuan had also changed his appearance, becoming an uncle over thirty years old.

"Walking in the human world, try not to attract attention, so as not to cause trouble." Di Kongxuan said, "Many people are selfish. If you make them feel useful, they will take you away at all costs."

There are so many reasons, as expected of an uncle who has lived a long time, he has a lot of reasons, a lot!
Duanmu murmured: "We stand together, if we want to grab you, we will grab you first."

Di Kongxuan glared at her, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to give her a shudder.

Duanmuyi covered her head and followed him into the village.

The two of them turned into businessmen who came to the mountains to search for medicinal materials, and they stayed in the home of an old man.

There is only one empty house for the elderly, which is temporarily cleaned up for them to rest.

While washing his feet under the eaves, Duanmuyi looked at the man who was making the bed next to him, and couldn't help but ask, "Young Master, you can cook and make beds, why haven't you married yet?"

Duanmuyi asked casually, unaware that her words had touched Dikongxuan's Ni Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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