Chapter 1274

If it were mentioned by ordinary people, he would have been killed long ago.

Di Kongxuan's hand paused, and he pressed it on the bed for a long time before he smiled softly and resumed his usual alienated demeanor: "I've been married a long time ago."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that Dikongxuan already had a wife, but she never saw it?
In that case, what are she and him?
His eyes were inexplicably sore, maybe to the uncle, he was just a maid who warmed the bed.

Duanmuyi hesitated for a while but couldn't help asking, "Then... I, should I pay her a visit, she... can be considered my master."

Even Duanmuyi didn't realize that her voice was a little hoarse.

Dikong's dark and sharp eyes swept across her frosty white feet, and he said calmly, "He died 500 years ago."

dead... dead?
Duanmuyi was startled, lowered his eyes and pursed his lips, and didn't ask any more questions.

She wiped the water off her feet, poured the water away, and entered the house, laying herself down on a plank of wood.

Di Kongxuan came over and kicked her: "Get up."

"Why?" Duanmu stood up.

"Go to bed and sleep." Di Kongxuan lowered his brows, how could he be comfortable with such a hard and cold board?
Duanmuyi naturally wanted what he wanted, so he threw himself on the bed, as if he was afraid that he would regret it, he burrowed into the bed.

Di Kongxuan watched her swift movements, shook his head helplessly, and walked out the door.

The bedding moved slightly, revealing a head.

Looking at his back as he left and went out, Duanmuyi felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

His sudden change of attitude just now made her feel astringent, like biting a piece of fruit.

He should love his dead wife very much, right?

Duanmuyi turned his head and buried his face on the pillow.


She really shouldn't have any expectations of him. Dikongxuan doesn't belong to her, didn't belong to him before, doesn't belong to him now, and it's even less likely that he will belong to her in the future.

So, Duanmuyi, please don't have any unreasonable thoughts anymore.

Improving her own strength, and then returning to Duanmu's house for revenge, this is her only hope for the rest of her life.

As for the man who is as dazzling as a pearl, forget it.

With such a regret, she fell into a deep sleep.

She also didn't realize that at the window outside the house, Di Kongxuan was looking at her through the window lattice with deep eyes.

The night in the mountain village was darker than usual, there were strange cries of night owls in the forest, Duanmuyi did not sleep well.

Everything in the human world is different from what she has encountered before. Without sufficient aura, walking in the human world always feels restricted everywhere.

She scratched her arm, a little itchy.

The moonlight was bleak, spreading between the mountains and fields, there seemed to be wind outside the window, the shadows of the trees were shaking, and someone approached the room gently.

She opened her eyes slightly, and heard that Di Kongxuan was still sleeping soundly on the couch outside.

A thought crossed her mind, she curled her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes.

A tiny needle fell into the room, it landed silently, but a puff of green smoke ignited.

The smoke drifted away, and a strange fragrance lingered in the room.

Dikongxuan's hand resting on his chest dropped limply, and Duanmuyi's breathing became heavier.

The wind outside is more urgent.

"Bang bang bang." There was a knock on the door.

The voice of the old man came: "Is the guest asleep? I have something to talk to the guest about."

There was no response from the room.

After a while, the old man smiled hoarsely: "Grand Elder, you have passed out."

(End of this chapter)

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