Chapter 1275

Duanmu Xiaoxiao's doubtful voice came: "Is it true? How is Di Kongxuan's cultivation so advanced? How could he pass out so easily?"

"Miss doesn't know, this is the drug of the Spirit Race—Feng Ling. Those who are drugged by this kind of drug will fall into a short-term coma even at the Nascent Soul Stage." The Great Elder explained.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao snorted, then sneered: "In that case, then take that bitch out while Dikongxuan is in a coma.

She ruined my good deeds over and over again, but I want to see how hard her bones are! "

The door opened, and the Great Elder and Duanmu Yi walked in together.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao stood in front of the extra couch, glanced at Dikongxuan, and couldn't help but a trace of fascination flashed across his eyes.

This man is so unparalleled in style and fascination in the world, she just glanced at him in the attic of the Jialan tribe, and she has been sinking since then, not knowing where she is.

It's just that there is always an annoying person by his side.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao looked inside and said, "Grandpa, catch her."

This time, she wants to see how this Liu'er can escape from her palm!
"Okay." The Great Elder lifted the curtain, and indeed he could see the girl who was breathing heavily on the bed.

There was no warmth in his eyes. Anyone who threatened or hurt the Duanmu family could not stay.

Especially such a woman, who is cruel and cruel at a young age, should be removed as soon as possible.

He walked to the bed, his eyes flicked across the quilt, and he was about to raise his hand to grab her, when a flash of light flew away, piercing his eyes.

With the sound of "chichi", the sharp claws were already close to his eyes.

The Great Elder dodged to avoid it, but he still didn't give up.

He knew that there was a spirit pet ear fox beside Duanmuyi, which was born with amazing speed, but it was still in its infancy, so he was not afraid at all.

Erhu did not hurt him in the slightest, however, a dagger was already on his back.

Duanmuyi's lazy voice came: "The great elder of the Duanmu family? He has been admiring him for a long time."

She said Jiu Yang, but the Seven Treasure Blade in her hand had already pierced his clothes.

"Grandpa, help—!"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao's cry for help came from the outside, but it was the sound of people turning their backs on their backs, someone was slapped out of the room, knocking the door apart.

Dikong smiled loudly, his voice was slightly cold, like snowflakes flying in June, freezing the air around him: "One person in the late Yuanying stage, one person in the Jindan stage, ten people in the late Xiantian stage...

So many people were dispatched to arrest me as a maid, what a great skill of the Duanmu family! "

The Great Elder sneered: "Since you can see the strength of this old man, you should know the current affairs and hand over you, the handmaid, to me."

Duanmuyi thought it was funny, now that his empty door is in her hands, as long as he dares to move, she can send the Seven Treasures Blade into his back, even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured.

Where did he get the courage to say such empty talk?
Di Kongxuan opened the curtain, leaned on one side, his eyes, which turned the world upside down, slanted upwards, and the light in his eyes was as bright as seven-colored gemstones: "Let me leave it to you? Is it up to you?"

Outside, people from the Jialan tribe surrounded the small courtyard.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao rubbed her shoulders, just now Di Kongxuan suddenly opened his eyes to attack, in desperation she pulled someone on her back, but she also suffered some injuries and felt a faint pain.

"Grandpa, kill her, kill her!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao shouted.

Duanmuyi turned her head, her eyes were filled with ice, snow and cold fog, which made her heart tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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