Chapter 1276

She sneered, "This woman is really noisy."

As her words fell, an old willow tree in the courtyard suddenly waved its willow branches, wrapped around Duanmu Xiaoxiao's waist, and directly threw her into the air.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao screamed, the figure of the Great Elder suddenly distorted, Duanmuyi was about to send out the Seven Treasure Blade in his hand, but the piercing was already nothing.

Run away by him.

Duanmu Yi's eyes darkened - sure enough, the congenital stage and the Nascent Soul stage are not at the same level at all.

The Great Elder rescued Duanmu Xiaoxiao, and the two sides confronted each other inside and outside the house.

Di Kongxuan walked to the window, and the night wind rolled up his long hair and clothes, blooming quietly like the most enchanting flower in the dark night.

His eyes were cold and indifferent, passing over the members of the Duanmu family, as if looking at the dead.

"Go away or die."

The Great Elder looked at him from a distance, and sneered: "Zhuzi is so arrogant, how dare he talk nonsense here!"

"Regardless of age, you knelt down and called me Grandpa to save face." Di Kongxuan looked back with a sneer, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and in the dark night, a person fell down screaming.

Dikongxuan and Duanmuyi also flew up at the same time, over the wall and landed outside the courtyard.

The clansmen all took two steps back.

One look can kill people invisible, this person gave them a feeling that was even more unfathomable than the Great Elder!
The Great Elder put aside the dying clansman, looked at Di Kongxuan, and said angrily, "What sorcery did you use!"

"Witchcraft?" Di Kongxuan seemed to have heard some funny words, "People who are half-step late stage dare to be arrogant in front of this young master. You haven't found the way, how do you know how powerful the real Nascent Soul late stage is!"

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, then he was shocked.

Indeed, he left the customs early only because he found that he had more energy than he wanted.

He is not really a late Nascent Soul now, but only a half-step late stage, just a little bit.

Just this little bit is extremely difficult for him to overcome.

However, the young man in front of him can actually expose it with a single sentence. Could it be that he is really a late Nascent Soul?

"Hmph, this old man has practiced for more than three hundred years, and he has just stepped into this realm. You are so arrogant, let this old man teach you a lesson!"

The Great Elder didn't believe his cultivation, he just thought he was bluffing, and immediately slapped his palms, a majestic spiritual power swept in, filled with purple light, like a hell devil opening its teeth and claws, and it turned the world upside down in an instant.

Dikong's black sleeve robe was rolled up, and the grass and leaves fluttered around him, forming a wall in front of him.

His strong spiritual power completely resisted the attack of the Great Elder.But his spiritual power was colorless, and he couldn't see the depth of his cultivation.

The Great Elder knew that there were some exercises in the world that could hide the color of spiritual power. In his opinion, Di Kongxuan obviously used this kind of exercises.

The Great Elder couldn't help sneering—how can someone who doesn't even want to reveal the color of his spiritual power be so powerful?
After the two tried, they quickly wrestled together.

Duan Muyi raised his head and stared at the confrontation between the two powerful men.

Although she couldn't understand the meaning of it, but from their moves, she could still feel a way of cultivators.

That is what a cultivator must pursue throughout his life.

Suddenly a strong wind came from behind, Duanmuyi noticed it vigilantly, and with a movement of his body, he landed in the forest not far away.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao saw that she left Dikongxuan voluntarily, a gleam of joy flashed in her eyes, and immediately gestured to all the clansmen to go over and hand over this place to the great elder.

(End of this chapter)

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