Chapter 1277

Duanmuyi hid in the forest, feeling the abundant aura in the forest.

After walking in the primeval forest for so many days, she realized something, so she just took advantage of this evening to experiment with this group of people.

"Where are people?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao's voice came from not far away.

She was attached to the trunk of a hundred-year-old tree, her breathing was closed, and her aura formed a cycle with the old tree behind her.

A group of people walked past her, but they didn't notice her.

As the group of people drifted away, suddenly a branch as thick as an arm swung from the side, pulling one of them to the ground.

At the same time, the poisonous substances in the forest gathered here one after another, and after a while, the miasma filled the air.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao shouted: "It's her, catch her!"

Duanmuyi squatted on the branch, looking at the scene below with a sneer.Wanting to catch her is not such a simple matter of talking.

The person below suddenly raised his head.

The two looked at each other, and the man jumped forward, his true energy swept away the poisonous miasma around him, and the long sword in his hand stabbed at her.

The only Jindan stage master.

Duanmuyi quietly hid in the forest.

She painstakingly thought of this method.

She can communicate with and control spirits naturally, so why can't she use the most common plants and animals in the human world?
Tried it today, it really works.

The masters in the Jindan period have to resist the poisonous miasma while spending their time looking for her, and gradually separated from the large group.

When he realized that he was about to go back, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side.

A hand rested on his shoulder, but there was a hair-blowing and hair-breaking sharp blade stuck to his neck.

Duanmuyi sneered and said, "You can use your true energy to shake me away, but my hands will definitely be faster than yours."

"You..." The man was concerned about the Seven Treasure Blade in her hand, and he didn't dare to act rashly, trying to delay time, "You will not end well if you offend our spirit clan.

Why don't you go and admit your mistake to Miss, she is magnanimous and will never blame you. "

Duanmuyi laughed, and punched him on the side of the waist, sneering: "This punch is to tell you not to talk nonsense, especially this kind of nonsense."

Is Duanmu Xiaoxiao magnanimous?

It was the funniest story she had ever heard.

The man was bent over by her, and the Seven Treasure Blade had mercilessly cut his throat.

Blood spurted out and splashed on the trees ahead.

He fell limply to the ground and twitched twice, not understanding why she struck so mercilessly.

"I recognize you." Duanmu Yi knelt down and stepped on his back, "I heard that you obeyed Duanmu Xiaoxiao's orders and were willing to be her lackey. Presumably you were also involved in that matter, right?"

Contaminated with her family's blood, don't even think about escaping her butcher's knife.

The great elder's roar came from a distance, it was earth-shattering, as if the disciples under their feet were trembling.

Duanmuyi looked up, feeling a little worried.

After a while, she comforted herself, how could someone as powerful as Di Kongxuan be in danger.

She should deal with these people in the forest first.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao experienced the darkest period of time.

The ten people who followed her died one after another.

In the miasma, some died from the sudden thorns, some died from the mouth of poisonous snakes, some died from invisible insects in the miasma, and some died from a sharp knife in the dark.

It seemed that all the animals and plants in the forest were obeying the man's orders.

(End of this chapter)

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