Chapter 1279

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, and met a pair of pure gold eyes.

She yelled inwardly that it was not good, but at this juncture, he became poisonous.

"It was you who saved me?" Di Kongxuan's voice was hoarse, and he leaned next to her ear, gently licking the pinna of her ear.

Duanmuyi flinched, her voice trembling slightly: "You saved me first, and I'm repaying your kindness——"

Her voice was blocked in her throat, the man's whole body was hot, and his lips that were close to her were also hot.

Duanmu wanted to resist, but he couldn't move at all.

The disparity in strength made her a fish on the case, allowing him to enjoy it.

He is like a spark, igniting a mountain in an instant.She tried to escape, but his breath was everywhere.

It's hot, it's scorching hot, it's going to burn her clean.

"Di Kongxuan..." She heard her voice trembling.

But the man on her body acted as if she had never heard of it, his fiery palm pressed against her waist, with a hiss, and her clothes were torn.

The snow-colored skin turned pink in his palm.

His kiss was surging, as if it would swallow her up in the next second.

The air suddenly fluctuated, and the figure of You Yuan appeared beside the two of them. It punched Di Kongxuan on the shoulder, and then pressed down on him with lightning speed.

Raising his wrist, a blood arrow flew out and fell into his mouth.

After a while, Dikongxuan's breathing calmed down.

You Yuan whimpered, rubbed his master's chest, and then returned to the spirit pet space.

Duanmuyi sat up tremblingly, gathered the clothes on his body in embarrassment, but couldn't block the spring light in his waist and abdomen.

She slowly clenched her fists and pulled out the Seven Treasures Blade from her waist.

In her previous life, she was unrestrained and unrestrained, coming and going like the wind, no one dared to tell her what to do, even those people in the training camp who bullied her before were punished by her one by one.

But now, this Di Kongxuan, who has attacked her several times and repeatedly, and thought she was someone who would be easy to bully if he didn't teach him a lesson!

Sensing his approach behind him, Duanmu didn't hesitate any longer, and swung the Seven Treasure Blade in an arc, stabbing towards his heart.

The next moment, the wrist was held by him.

Duanmuyi raised his eyes and froze suddenly.

The man in front of him still had exquisite facial features like a sculpture, his phoenix eyes were long and narrow, and the pupils were glowing with golden light, with a natural three-point enchantment, and a touch of lip line was like cinnabar that had been touched.

However, his eyes are no longer contemptuous of all beings, no longer moody indifference, but clear.

Like the clearest and cleanest water of the Jialan tribe.

Duanmuyi came to his senses - this should be what Jiang Sui said, within three days after the poison was released, he would enter a rather strange state, right?

He slowly let go of his hand, then picked up the robe at the side, put it on her shoulders, and tilted his head to look at her: "Who are you?"

Duan Muyi withdrew his dagger and wrapped his robe tightly: "You don't know me anymore?"

Di Kongxuan shook his head.

"I am your master." Duanmu said angrily.

Who knew that Di Kongxuan still shook his head.


"You are not as good as me, and you are not as good-looking as me. You cannot be my master." He said honestly.

Duanmuyi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

She got up, looked down at him, and said angrily: "I'm really right, I'm not your master, I'm your enemy.

You killed my whole family, and now I'm after you. "

Di Kongxuan stared at her blankly, with an expression of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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