Chapter 1280

"You are stronger than me, I can't kill you, but I will definitely find a chance." Duanmu kicked him angrily, "Get up, let's go."

Every time I was wiped out by him, but there was nothing I could do, how could I not be angry?
"Where are you going?" Di Kongxuan stood up obediently this time.

Looking at his golden pupils, Duanmu felt something was wrong, so he threw a piece of cloth to him: "Blindfold your eyes first."

She told herself in her heart that even if she wanted to settle accounts with Di Kongxuan, it was not the man in front of her who looked like an idiot.

When he wakes up, she will never be polite to him.

The two walked out of the cave, Duanmuyi didn't keep his secrets anymore, he simply identified the direction with his own method, and walked forward with the temporary Xiaobai Dikongxuan.

The two walked all the way, out of the forest, and there was a small town called Shanqing Town at the foot of the mountain.

To the south of Shanqing Town, there is a team of bodyguards, soliciting business.

The leader was full of beards and was holding a gourd, which was filled with the aroma of wine.

While drinking, he shouted: "Hurry up, there are only two people left to start the journey! The whole escort to the imperial capital only needs 100 taels of silver, including food and lodging. Hurry up!"

Duanmuyi saw two salt merchants approaching not far away, and hurriedly dragged Dikongxuan forward.

Di Kongxuan didn't react, and was staggered by her.

The two salt merchants arrived in front of the escort team leader first, and before they could speak, they heard a shout from behind: "Wait, let's sign up!"

The salt merchant turned around, and one of them said dissatisfiedly, "We arrived first."

"Sorry, big brother, let's talk about it first." Duanmuyi stopped, took out the silver that Di Kongxuan gave her from his bosom, and handed it over, "100 taels of silver, how many?"

Just as the leader of the escort agency was about to take it, a salt merchant held it up with his hands and took out two ingots of silver: "200 taels, two people. Brother, can you count?"

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment before realizing that he had made a low-level mistake. Seeing that the escort team leader was about to receive the money from the salt merchant, he immediately reached out and handed over a money bag: "500 taels."

Seeing the 500 taels of silver, the escort leader's eyes straightened, but he didn't take it, instead he glanced at the salt merchant, as if waiting for them to increase the price.

The salt merchant snorted, turned and left, and muttered, "It's amazing to be rich."

"It's really amazing, at least you don't dare to increase the price." Duanmuyi laughed arrogantly.

The leader of the Escort Bureau took the silver and said with a smile: "What business do you two do?"

Duanmu hurriedly said: "Medicinal material dealer, we specialize in distributing medicinal materials from various places.

My uncle has poor eyesight and a good nose, so I was in charge of beating him up. "

"Oh..." The team leader glanced at Di Kongxuan, without asking any further questions, and handed them two badges, "This is the emblem of our Xumen Escort Bureau, the bandits dare not touch you.

Come with us, let's go now. "

The two got into the carriage and slowly left the town with the team of the Xumen Security Bureau.

Not far away, the two salt merchants followed and stopped after seeing the direction they were leaving.

One person said, "Go and report to the Great Elder, and Di Kongxuan looks a little strange."

The convoy had just left the town not far away when suddenly a horse quickly caught up.

Duanmu wanted to lift the curtain, but Dikongxuan held down his wrist.

A woman's clear and sweet voice sounded outside: "Da Biao, I will go with you this time."

(End of this chapter)

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