Chapter 1281

"Miss, why do you..."

"Don't worry, I've made an agreement with my father. How many people are escorted this time?" the woman asked again.

The team leader hurriedly said: "A total of 20 people, five boxes of goods."

"Help me find a carriage, I want to take a rest." The sound of the woman's hooves stopped here, and she opened the curtain to take a look, and met Shang Duanmuyi's eyes.

She blinked blankly, and saw Di Kongxuan leaning to one side.

Even though he was blindfolded with a black cloth, and even though his face was smeared with yellow powder, it still couldn't hide the natural delicacy of his facial features.

He looked out of the window without turning his head, but just showed her the lines of his cheeks.

The woman's eyes lit up, she jumped off the horse and got into the carriage.

"There's still room here, so I'll just sit here." She lowered the curtain and sat right next to Di Kongxuan.

Di Kongxuan turned his head in a daze, "looked" at her, then moved his buttocks, and sat next to Duanmuyi.

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched, and he looked at the woman.

The woman smiled and said, "My surname is Xu, and my name is Xu Yingzi. Are you two medicinal herbs merchants?"

Duan Muyi hugged the big bamboo basket and nodded: "Miss Xu, my uncle's eyesight and brain are not good either, please don't take offense."

Di Kongxuan was about to open his mouth, but she covered his mouth with one hand: "Be good, uncle, stay by yourself."

Di Kongxuan pulled off her hand, and said seriously: "Second brother, don't make trouble, Miss Xu, don't take offense, we two brothers often joke around."

This time, it was Duanmuyi's turn to be dumbfounded.

Dare to Love Emperor Kongxuan didn't become an idiot?

What's going on... indirect amnesia?
Plus simple personality?
"It's not strange, it's not strange." Xu Yingzi covered her lips and smiled, quite playfully, "I see that you two are extraordinary, not like ordinary people, where are you going on this trip?"

"There is no sea of ​​sand, just find a medicinal herb." In terms of interpersonal skills, Duanmuyi can't lose to anyone.

Tired of asking, Xu Yingzi turned her head and said, "My lord, you just have bad eyesight, so how can you let this little brother answer?"

Di Kongxuan was silent for a moment, then said, "I will listen to her."

Duanmuyi almost bit off his tongue - this is absolutely not what a normal Dikongxuan would say.

"What's your name?" Xu Yingzi continued to ask unwillingly.

"Muxuan, Muliu." Duanmuyi simply took over the conversation, and said two names that had been made up a long time ago.

Xu Yingzi rolled her eyes, knocked on the wall of the car, said a few words to the outside, and then brought in two lotus leaf bags.

"You two look thin, didn't you eat well? Try it, this is the lotus leaf chicken I specially brought from home, it's crispy and delicious."

When the lotus leaf is opened, a burst of fragrance comes out, which whets the appetite.

Duanmu Yi glanced at Di Kongxuan, then smiled, and passed the lotus leaf chicken over: "Uncle, try it."

Di Kongxuan took a bite out of her hand: "It's delicious, you can eat some too."

Seeing that he was willing to eat, Duanmuyi's vigilance weakened. After all, she knew that Di Kongxuan was an extremely cautious person, and if there was any problem, he would be aware of it immediately.

Although his current situation is rather strange, it can be seen from the conversation just now that he is not an idiot.

However, Duanmuyi subconsciously forgot that Dikongxuan was also an extremely black-bellied person...

The three of them were chatting one after another, Xu Yingzi originally wanted to talk a little bit more, but it couldn't compare to Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan teaming up.

(End of this chapter)

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