Chapter 1282

Therefore, not only did she not get out of the words of the two of them, but her own wealth was wiped out.

Duanmu Yipa pulled the lotus leaf chicken and smiled.

When she really wants to trick someone, no one can escape her palm.

When night fell, a group of people were resting at the inn, and Xu Yingzi naturally occupied the best room. She deliberately asked the medicine merchant's room to be next to hers, and then twisted her waist into the house.

After the two sat down, Di Kongxuan took off the blindfold, looked around with his red-gold pupils, and then his gaze fell back on Duanmuyi. There was even a sly smile in his pure eyes.

This sly, fox-like smile seemed to be that Di Kongxuan's original personality was gradually waking up.

Duanmu said strangely: "What are you laughing at?"

"There is a problem." Di Kongxuan said simply.

"What's wrong?"

"Lotus leaf chicken." Di Kongxuan said, "Poisonous."

"Ah?" Duanmuyi's eyes widened - she was always sensitive to drugs, how could she not have noticed?
"You found out early in the morning? Why didn't you tell me!" Her face became ugly.

Di Kongxuan was at a loss: "You let me listen to you."

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth: "What kind of poison?"

"Hmm..." Di Kongxuan seemed to be stumped, tilted his head and thought for a while, and then said, "Love potion."

It is really that there is a large gap in his memory. Although he is accustomed to remembering many things and is vigilant, it is really difficult to remember what this thing is.

Duanmuyi's face was very ugly: "You know that there is a problem, but you still watch me eat the whole chicken?"

"If you don't eat it, she will suspect it. It's more suitable for you to eat it." Di Kongxuan said concisely.

In the final analysis, he still felt that he was better than her, so she could be poisoned, but he couldn't.

He is such a cold person in his bones.

Duanmu Yi didn't feel it just now, but at this moment, he vaguely felt some heat generated in his lower abdomen, and slowly, at a tormenting speed, it began to spread to the whole body.

She tried to call the ear fox, but the ear fox was still in a deep sleep after detoxifying her earlier.

She took a few steps back, slumped on the bed, looked at Di Kongxuan who was sitting upright, and said in a hoarse voice: "Then why are you still here, why don't you go out!"

"Oh." Di Kongxuan really put down his teacup and walked towards the door.

He was about to open the door when he heard Duanmuyi moaning in pain from behind.

When she was in the killer training camp in her previous life, she also learned how to stay awake and kill decisively after taking a strong aphrodisiac, but now she can't do anything about it.

Because she has no antidote.

A figure appeared beside the bed.

Di Kongxuan blinked and leaned over to look at her: "I'm leaving, what do you do? Don't you want to kill me?"

"Get away..." The effect of the medicine was so strong that her sanity began to blur.

Di Kongxuan saw that her face was blushing, she was sweating non-stop due to the medicine, and the aroma of essence and blood became stronger and stronger.

The red gold in his eyes became a little thicker, with a faint bloody glow.

Duanmuyi bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, forcing himself to wake up a bit.

Blood flowed down from her lips, Di Kongxuan's eyes were clear, and he pressed his palm on her abdomen, and the clear spiritual energy penetrated, slowly forcing out the poison in her body.

Duanmuyi panted and sat up: "Thank you - um..."

Di Kongxuan, who still had an upright face just now, suddenly leaned down and kissed her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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