Chapter 1286

"Shatang wood is a panacea, if you get close, you can sense it." Di Kongxuan looked around, "There are a lot of people, we have to go to the innermost part. Find a boat."

Duanmuyi blinked: "I'll look for it?"

"I'm blind." Di Kongxuan pointed to the black cloth on his eyes without guilt.

Duanmu said: "..."

There are many ships in the reeds, but they all have owners.

Duanmuyi searched for a long time, and finally rented a small boat from a boatman, and by the way, even the boatman rented it.

The boatman asked while rowing: "Are you two going to the center of the sand-free sea?"

"Yes, is it far?" Duanmuyi asked.

"There is no sand in the sea, and it will take three days to get to the center.

No one has ever been there, I heard that there are monsters inside, what are you two doing? " asked the boatman.

Dikongxuan walked up, brushed Duanmuyi's shoulder, and handed her a note, then stood at the bow of the boat, said with a smile: "Let's go find a medicinal herb, have you heard of Shatangmu?"

"I've never heard of it. However, the most famous medicinal material in Wushahai is not sand tree. Do you know what it is?" The boatman laughed.

"What is it?" Duanmu asked suspiciously.

The boatman pointed to the water under the boat mysteriously: "Fish. Under the sandless sea, there is a kind of fish, which can be used as medicine to bring the dead back to life, rejuvenate the old, and have infinite magical effects."

Di Kongxuan leaned over to look: "Really? How do you catch this fish?"

"How to catch it? Of course..." The boatman paused, then grinned, "Caught him in the water!"

The oar suddenly drew an arc, taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, and slapped Di Kongxuan into the water.Almost in the blink of an eye, several figures rushed over from the bottom of the water, a red light flashed in the water, and then it began to churn violently.

The boatman sneered, ten people were ambushed at the bottom of the water, enough to take him down.

Duanmuyi exclaimed: "Uncle!"

"Go into the water, too!" The boatman took another paddle.

Duanmuyi dodged immediately, and the two fought on the narrow boat. Soon the boatman was injured by Duanmuyi and fell into the water.

However, the next moment, ten masked men in black jumped out from the surrounding reeds, and the swords in their hands pointed at Duanmuyi in unison.

Immediately afterwards, Duanmuyi made an unexpected move.

She twisted and bowed to avoid it, and then jumped into the water.

Ten people were in mid-air, looking at each other.

The next moment, a red light broke through the water, the water droplets scattered, and the figure stopped in midair.

The majestic spiritual energy filled the air, and before the ten masked men in black had time to see the man's face clearly, they fell into the water.

There was blood on the surface of the water.

Duanmuyi poked his head out of the water, silently looking at the man standing in the air.

When we first saw him, he acted like this, and threw his besiegers into the Dan River.

This is still the case today, and this group of people is even more no match for him. If they don't even meet each other, they will die in Huangquan.

Dikongxuan landed, stretched out his hand to grab her, and pulled her back to the boat.

Duanmuyi twisted the wet skirt and asked, "How do you know there is something wrong with him?"

When he passed her by just now, he transmitted voice in her ear, saying that there is something wrong with the boatman, and when the time comes, let her jump into the water when the time comes.

On this kind of issue, Duanmu Yi never bothered to think about it. Di Kongxuan said so, so she did as well.

(End of this chapter)

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