Chapter 1287

Subconsciously, Duanmuyi trusted Dikongxuan very much, but she didn't realize it herself.

Di Kongxuan sneered, "Since no one has ever been to the center of Wushahai, how would he know that it would take three days?"

Duanmuyi wrung out his clothes until they were half dry, since it was hot, he was not afraid of catching cold, so he simply left it alone.

But Di Kongxuan threw over a coat, turned around and said, "Next time, prepare two more clothes in your spirit ring."

"Oh..." Duanmuyi muttered, and put on his clothes to cover his exquisite figure made by falling into the water.

Using spiritual power to control the boat, the boat quickly bypassed the reeds and headed for the depths.

In the reeds on the other side, Da Biao was too scared to speak. The red light flashed just now completely overturned his cognition. As an ordinary person, he thought that he could reach the peak in the later period. up.

But what kind of kung fu did Di Kongxuan kill ten people instantly with that move?
"Miss, are you still... still chasing?"

Xu Yingzi clenched her fists hard: "How could it be him..."

Because of falling into the water, the black cloth on Di Kongxuan's face fell apart, and the yellow powder on his disguise also fell off, revealing his original appearance.

This stunning face is exactly the same as the person in the portrait that has been hanging in the main altar of Sihua Pavilion for many years!
"Miss?" Da Biao asked again.

Xu Yingzi gritted her teeth: "Stop chasing, let's set off immediately to the imperial capital."

This matter must be reported to the pavilion master immediately, otherwise she will not end well.

The sand-free sea was really big. After coming out of the reeds, Duanmu intended to control the boat, and Di Kongxuan guided the direction.

The two of them floated along the water for more than three hours, and just now at sunset they saw a circle of water that became darker in color.

Inside the water circle, there are no waves.

"Shatang wood grows at the bottom of the water. This time we did not take the wood body, but the wood heart, which has the strongest aura." Di Kongxuan looked ahead and said, "You can feel it."

Duanmuyi stretched out his hand towards the water circle in front of him, slowly closed his eyes, and his consciousness extended infinitely.

Inside the Wushahai, there are indeed many elixir with extremely strong aura, and there are even many spiritual creatures guarding it.

She swept it away and didn't dare to probe further.

Her cultivation base is limited, and the range she can explore is also limited, and in the end she can only vaguely sense it.

"It seems to be in that direction, but there are spirits guarding it." She hesitated, "Come closer."

Di Kongxuan urged the boat to go in that direction, and soon entered the water circle.

There are no waves here, and it is calm.

Duanmuyi carefully felt the aura from the sand tree, adjusted the direction of the boat, and finally stopped in front of a deep black water.

"It's just below this." Duan Muyi looked down, the dark black color indicated that the water was very deep, and the aura was at the bottom of the water, and one had to dive in to get it.

She was about to take off her clothes when Di Kongxuan held down her wrist: "Why, in broad daylight, seduce me?"

"I'll go get it." Duanmuyi blushed and pointed to the bottom of the water.

"Okay, I need my son to save you if something goes wrong. Put on your clothes and wait on the boat."

Di Kongxuan approached, pinched her earlobe, and whispered in her ear, "Why don't you think about it on the boat, how to repay me when I get the sand tree wood."

Duanmuyi stepped back two steps, just about to refute him, but saw a flash of red shadow, he had already jumped into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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