Chapter 1288

"What's going on here?" Duanmuyi turned his head and saw Dikongxuan who had changed into clean clothes and was sitting outside the cabin reading a book, he hurriedly asked, "Shatangmu..."

"I got the Shatang wood, but only the roots, and the wood heart is gone."

Di Kongxuan pointed to a small wooden box on the table, and said, "The sand tree is suppressing the spiritual acupoints of Wushahai. After I take it out, the spirits of the entire Wushahai will gather towards the water circle, desperately Absorb the spirit.

However, they will also fight for a territory. "

Duanmu felt a chill in his heart, but luckily Dikongxuan walked quickly.

Otherwise, if they were still inside the water circle, with so many spiritual creatures fighting in a melee, even they would have no way to get out of it.

Opening the wooden box, there was indeed something like a branch lying inside.

The whole body is purple, exuding a strong aura, but it always lingers in the three inches around the wooden box, never overflowing.

Presumably, Di Kongxuan set up a restriction to prevent the spiritual energy from escaping and attracting spiritual things.

She closed the lid and asked, "Are the roots useless?"

"Wooden roots are not very effective. To completely repair your internal organs, Mu Xin is the most effective." Di Kongxuan said, "However, wooden roots will guide you to find Mu Xin."

Duanmuyi tapped the box lightly with his fingers, and murmured: "No matter what, I will definitely get Mu Xin."

Di Kongxuan sneered, threw the book aside, and said calmly, "Come here."

"What are you doing?" Duan Muyi moved over, but he was pulled down by him and sat directly in his arms.

She twisted her body and felt his strength, so she gave up struggling.

Di Kongxuan imprisoned her, with snow on his brows: "Who allowed you to use exercises without permission?

I remember when I gave you the skill scroll, I said that this is a skill that can only be used at the golden core stage. "

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then turned his head away: "I just want to try to see if it works well."

"Is it easy to use? The Sea of ​​Consciousness was almost destroyed. If I hadn't come here, you would have become a fool."

Di Kongxuan pinched her chin, turned her head around, and shouted: "Look at me!"

"How about becoming a fool?" Duanmuyi stubbornly refused to give in.

Di Kongxuan evoked an evil smile, and the stars in his eyes shone, reflecting her pretending to be calm.

"Become a fool... I don't want you anymore."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and blocked her protest.

Duanmuyi closed his eyes in a daze, subconsciously reached out and grabbed the clothes on his shoulders.

Every time she wanted to ask him what he meant.

Kissing her, hugging her, and teasing her, are they just a distraction for him when he is bored?
But every time, she chose to remain silent, afraid of knowing the result.

Or... that's it?
Her body bears a deep hatred, and her parents and younger brother are watching her in the sky.

And it's not suitable for her to think about these children's love.

Stay with him because he is strong enough to help her become strong too.

So, it's just an exchange.

She reminded herself more than once.

After leaving the sand-free sea, Mu Gen kept getting hot in the direction of the imperial capital.

It seems that Shatangmu's Mu Xin is in the imperial capital, and they immediately set off for the imperial capital.

And shortly after they left, there was a twist in the air, and the Great Elder appeared with Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

The Great Elder has been chasing them casually from the beginning, but now he can't wait to take down these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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