Chapter 1289

He was very interested in Dikongxuan's cultivation and Duanmuyi's innate skills.

"They are going to the imperial capital, grandpa, shall we go too?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao's eyes glowed.

Originally in the sea without sand, she designed Xu Yingzi to take down Duanmuyi.

But who knew that Xu Yingzi ran away, and the Great Elder didn't allow her to enter the sand-free sea, so she had to wait outside.

Now that they were finally out, she couldn't wait to follow.

"Xiao Xiao, have you seen the box in Liu'er's hand?" The Great Elder stroked his beard and said, "It seems that is the sand tree wood they need?
When the time comes, I will kill Liu'er, and you will take the sand tree wood. This kind of elixir will be very helpful for your promotion. "

Duanmu Xiaoxiao immediately responded after hearing the order from the Great Elder.

The imperial capital of the Hull Empire is full of exotic styles, with white round roofs like mushrooms.

Pedestrians walking back and forth were wearing long gowns with straight skirts and tall hats. The men all had beards, while the women wore veils. When they saw Di Kongxuan and Di Kongxuan who were dressed in different clothes, they didn't show any strange expressions.

It can be seen that the imperial capital is still inclusive.

The two randomly found an inn to live in, but they didn't notice that not far away, two veiled women quietly turned and left.

There is a market every night in the imperial capital, and the two of them have been on the road for days without eating a decent meal, so they decided to go out to eat something good tonight.

Duanmuyi was almost tortured to death by the tasteless dry food. Hearing that he could eat delicious food, he immediately agreed with both hands and feet.

Di Kongxuan took her to the biggest restaurant in the city, and ordered a table of expensive dishes.

After Duanmuyi repeatedly confirmed that he would pay, he began to eat with chopsticks.

The sound of gongs and drums suddenly came to mind in the street, a wandering dragon came from a distance, the streets were brightly lit, and the people were singing and dancing.

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, wondering: "What is this?"

"Dancing Dragon." Di Kongxuan glanced at it.

dragon dance?interesting.

"I'll go and have a look first." Duanmuyi immediately put down his chopsticks and walked down.

Di Kongxuan paid the bill in an orderly manner, and when he walked out the door, he happened to see Duanmuyi squeezed into the crowd.

A strange scent of flowers wafted over with the wind, the tip of his nose twitched, and his brows suddenly frowned.

The crowd was crowded, and Duanmuyi was squeezed into the crowd, and soon he couldn't see his back.

Di Kongxuan wanted to push through, but he kept being pushed back to the original place.

He simply jumped up, stepped on the heads of several people, and landed on an open space in front of him.

There was a lot of complaints from the crowd behind him, but he turned a deaf ear to them.

As far as I can see, there is no trace of Duanmuyi.

He immediately communicated with You Yuan in the spirit pet space, and You Yuan and Erhu also established a unique contact method for spirit pets.

Through it, you can contact Erhu at any time, and you can know where Duanmuyi is.

However, after a while, You Yuan told him that the ear fox did not respond.

He clenched his fists, turned around suddenly, and ran towards another direction in the city, apparently very familiar with the roads in the imperial capital.

There is a lake in the east of the city, and a row of mushroom-roofed buildings stand beside the lake.

Different from other places, the people who come in and out of these buildings are all women in light clothes.

Di Kongxuan pushed away the two people who came forward, and strode inside.

Those who saw him covered their lips and stepped back, quietly following behind.

Until he came to a hall and raised his eyes, he saw a huge portrait hanging on the wall of the hall.

In the portrait, the man in red clothes is like a fire, his eyebrows are alluring and alluring, and when he looks back, he smiles wickedly, as if jumping off the paper.

(End of this chapter)

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