Chapter 1291

The ripples on the surface of the water swayed, circle after circle, and gradually calmed down again.

Duanmuyi stood at the bow of the boat, and through his spiritual power, he could sense that Dikongxuan was constantly approaching Shatangmu.

At the same time, she suddenly felt another breath, also approaching here.

She raised her eyes suddenly and looked deeper into the water circle, where ripples appeared.

After thinking for a moment, she pushed the boat and headed in that direction, blocking the way that thing must pass.

Her hands have activated the aura, ready to guard at any time.

The ripples on the water surface became more and more intense, and finally turned into waves, rushing towards the bow of the boat ferociously.

Behind the waves, Duanmuyi saw a huge snake head, which was opening its mouth wide and biting towards her.The stench hit the face, and the waves overturned the boat.

Duanmuyi fell into the water, under extreme urgency, he had time to control the water flow and pushed himself far away.

The snake bit off its head and passed by.

She stood up from the water and looked at the giant python.

Horns have grown on the giant python's head, which can be seen to look like a dragon.

It should be in the Huajiao stage, which is equivalent to the cultivation base of the human Jindan stage.

She is at the late stage of congenital, and the giant python is at the early stage of Jindan. Duanmu thought in his mind that she might be able to compete.

She raised her hand, covering the python's head from a distance.

The gentle halo of the palm flashed, and it invaded the giant python's mind in the blink of an eye.

This is a technique that she only learned a few days ago, using her innate talent to control her opponent through spiritual induction.

At present, this exercise can only be performed by people with strong spiritual power, or people with innate skills like her.

But this exercise has two prerequisites.

First of all, her cultivation base needs to reach the golden core stage, and secondly, her opponent cannot be too much stronger than her.

But now, she didn't meet any of the standards, but she still used this exercise rashly.

Just because Di Kongxuan was still underwater to help her get the medicine, she had to help him buy time.

The python was at a loss for a moment, and stagnated on the surface of the water.

However, after a short while, it suddenly began to struggle violently, intending to repel the aura that invaded its mind.

Duanmuyi's cultivation was not enough, he was bitten by its spiritual power, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

There was a burst of dizziness in my mind, obviously my mental strength had been severely hit.

Enraged, the giant python came through the water, and with a flick of its tail, it wanted to smash Duanmuyi to pieces.

Suddenly a hand reached out from behind and pulled her back.

Duanmuyi looked back, Dikongxuan had turned the boat over and brought her onto the boat.

She relaxed, and passed out directly in his arms.

As soon as she relaxed her mind, she instantly felt the sharp pain of acupuncture in her internal organs.

She covered her abdomen with one hand, and her complexion suddenly turned pale.

"The injury recurred?" Di Kongxuan glanced at her and frowned, "Be patient for a while, I'll leave the water circle first and then heal your injury."

This sharp pain came so suddenly, Duanmuyi lost consciousness and fell unconscious.

When she woke up again, the two had already left the water circle.

The pain in her viscera had disappeared, she was about to raise her hand, but was held down by Di Kongxuan.He removed the gold needles from several acupuncture points of hers, and then went to the side to clean his hands.

"Thank you..." She looked up, startled.

In the water circle a few meters away is not only the giant python, but also countless strange creatures, fighting and fighting.

But the strange thing is that none of the creatures left the water circle and came outside.

(End of this chapter)

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