Chapter 1292

She twisted her wrist, but the knot of the rope could not be broken free, nor could it be broken by spiritual power.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a woman looked at her and sneered: "Don't waste your efforts."

"Who are you?" Duanmu frowned, and immediately calmed down.

"Sihuage, you don't even know if you tell me." The woman stopped the carriage, looked around, and said, "This is here, bring her down."

Immediately, two women came up, rudely tore her out of the carriage, and tied her to a tree trunk.

She looked around, there was no one around, and there were ten similarly dressed women in front of her, giving her absolute reason to believe that this was a premeditated kidnapping.

"Duanmu Xiaoxiao sent you here?" Apart from Duanmu Xiaoxiao, she really couldn't remember who she had offended.

The woman said earlier: "You will see her soon."

Duanmuyi frowned—it doesn't look like it?
After waiting for a while, suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes not far away.

A subordinate of Sihua Pavilion ran out to take a look, then hurried back and said, "No, it's His Royal Highness Prince Chuan."

The woman frowned: "Why did Prince Chuan suddenly appear here?"

While speaking, a group of guards guarded a man and came on horseback.

"Yu——" the man immediately had a full beard, a pair of jewel-like eyes, and exuded a domineering aura, wishing that he could write "I am very powerful" all over his face.

He glanced at the forest, and smiled proudly: "Hey, isn't this the younger sisters of Sihuage?"

The woman chuckled: "How can we poor people be His Highness's younger sister?"

"What is this for?" The man looked around, his eyes swept across Duan Muyi's body, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Oh, beauty."

The woman's eyelids twitched, and she hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness Prince Chuan, this woman is the one whom our Pavilion Master nominates, please also invite Prince Chuan..."

"Put your mother's shit on!" The man laughed, "The woman that this king likes, your pavilion master is a fart. Come, someone, put that woman down!"

Duanmu Yi raised her eyes and met his eyes.

It was as if two bolts of lightning collided in mid-air, her gaze was swift and cold, while his was as dazzling as colorful colored glaze.

Just looking at each other like this, they knew that the other party was not easy to mess with.

She frowned slightly, but actually she didn't really want to provoke this prince who didn't seem easy to provoke.

What's more, she has already asked Erhu to send a message to You Yuan, Di Kongxuan must be on his way, she just needs to hold on for a while.

However, two personal guards had already stepped forward to untie her.

She shook her wrists, and saw that the group of women in Sihua Pavilion had already taken two steps back unwillingly.

The man laughed and stepped forward on his horse. As soon as he bent down, he wanted to hug Duanmuyi by the waist.

However, the moment he leaned over, he keenly sensed that something was wrong, turned over on the horse, and even held the saddle with one hand, flipped over in the air, and sat back firmly on the saddle.

An emerald green vine was passing in front of him.

Duanmu Yi's eyes darkened - such exquisite equestrian skills, although she can also ride a horse, but compared with his equestrian skills, her talent is not enough.

"It seems that she is not only a beauty, but also a little pepper."

The man laughed loudly, and a big roc spread its wings and flew towards her.

The guards yawned and shouted and cheered beside them, but they didn't intend to come up to help.

(End of this chapter)

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