Chapter 1293

The people in Sihua Pavilion who were planning to leave suddenly stopped, thinking whether they could fish in troubled waters and complete the task.

Duanmuyi thought at first that Di Kongxuan told him that most of the human world are ordinary people in acquired state, and the most powerful one is innate state. With her ability, she is not afraid of being plotted against.

However, as soon as they fought, she discovered that the cultivation level of His Royal Highness was no worse than hers, and even slightly higher than hers!
With a movement of her fingertips, she was about to summon the grass and trees, but in the next second, she realized that her spiritual power seemed to be sealed, and she was huddled in the dantian, motionless!
Oops... Duanmuyi suddenly remembered that when she left the Jialan tribe, Jiang Yi had warned her that in the human world, she should not fight ordinary people, otherwise it would be a violation of the rules.

"The rules formulated by the human race and the spirit race cannot use spiritual power on the human race, otherwise the spiritual power will be lost."

But at this time, the spiritual power was only temporarily sealed, and it was not completely lost, but it was enough to annoy Duanmuyi.

What a broken rule!She cursed in her heart, it's not that no one in the human race has spiritual power, isn't this clearly a disadvantage for her!

Her mind turned sharply, but her hands did not stop for a moment.

Although the man's cultivation base is high, he doesn't seem to be good at using exercises. At most, he uses his cultivation base to suppress her, and the two of them fight with fists and feet.

In this regard, Duanmuyi naturally would not admit defeat, but she also found that because of the suppression of her cultivation, she could smash the wolf's head with one fist and hit this man's shoulder, but he remained motionless.

very useless...

Although she didn't want to admit it, Duanmuyi had to face up to the reality. After her spiritual power was sealed, she was no match for this man in such a solo fight.

Soon, the man grabbed her sideways and held her in his arms.

"Little Pepper, Little Beauty, do you want to fight again?" His tone was flirtatious, and his big hand directly touched her face, "Go back with me obediently, and be my Ninth Lady!"

He said, holding Duan Muyi's waist with one hand, pulling the rein with the other hand, jumped up, took her on the horse, and left in a hurry.

Duanmuyi was so blown by the wind that he couldn't help squinting his eyes, and was thinking about how to get out, when he heard the man behind him waving his whip and laughing loudly: "My name is He Erchuan, and I am the sixth prince of the Hull Empire. Beautiful girl ,what's your name?"

Duanmuyi was so jolted by the horse that his bones almost fell apart, and he kept bumping into He Erchuan's body.He Erchuan's chest was very strong, as hard as a rock, and even her shoulders hurt.

She grabbed the saddle, controlled her figure, and said slowly: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your help. I am nameless and an orphan girl. Your Highness just leave me in front."

"How can I do that?" He Erchuan said loudly, "It would be a pity to leave such a beautiful girl behind. Since you don't have a name, I will give you one."

Duanmuyi has a black thread...give her one?
She'd love to give him a sniper headshot.

He Erchuan seemed to think about it seriously for a long time, and finally said: "Well, let's call it Peony, how about it?"

Duanmuyi wanted to spit it out—Peony?She traveled the rivers and lakes, from being an unknown killer to becoming a top killer, she has used countless code names, and she has never tried such a... earthy name.

The horse jumped over the trees and jumped out.

Duanmuyi took the opportunity to lean sideways and wanted to turn over and slip out.

(End of this chapter)

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