Chapter 1295

Not only the restaurant, but when she walked all the way through the palace, she could keenly feel that there were many hidden eyes on her.

If the expectations are good, they should be the secret guards of the palace.

At night, Duanmuyi lived in the backyard. I heard that the wife in the third room was on the left, and the wife in the seventh room was on the right. All the eight wives of Heerchuan lived here.

Women have never been welcome to newcomers.

Therefore, the eight women who were still arguing during the day were rarely united at night. The eldest lady took the lead and knocked on Duanmuyi's door.

However, Duanmuyi has already locked the door and entered the state of cultivation.

For one thing, she never imagined that someone would come to form a group to find fault at night;

Secondly, even if she knew, she would probably just laugh a fool, and then continue to lock the door and practice in samadhi.

Because not long after she returned to the room, she found that her dantian began to heat up, and the cloud of blue spiritual energy was still floating, and her spiritual power was faintly showing signs of loosening!
She heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that at present, the time of this seal is not very long, and she is expected to escape from this palace tonight.

So, the eight ladies broke down the door, and only He Erchuan was recruited in the end.

"What are you doing?" He Erchuan asked, frowning.

"Your Highness~" Mrs. Eight had already walked over with her waist twisted, she leaned on his chest softly and bonelessly, "You just married a concubine last month, why did you fall in love with someone else so quickly?" ah."

He Erchuan smiled, and touched her waist: "You don't know, her eyes look wild enough, I like it very much."

"Then why did she go to bed so early?" The eldest lady leaned aside, pouted her plump lips, "There are no rules, and I don't know how to wait for His Highness before going to bed."

He Erchuan walked to the door, listened for a while, but didn't hear anything, pushed the door, but couldn't open it, then turned around and said: "My little girl is just here, so she is not as sensible as you.

Let's all go back, this little pepper, sooner or later the king will tame it. "

The eight ladies yawned and went back to the room. Before the seventh lady left, she rubbed her turbulent chest against his arm and gave him an inviting look.

However, He Erchuan's thoughts were not with her at all, and he turned his head to look at the closed door.

At this time, Duanmuyi's vomit had just ended, and sure enough, his spiritual power was unsealed, and everything returned to normal.

She put away her spiritual power, stood up, and wanted to pour a glass of water.

With a bang, the door was knocked open——

The door was also knocked open, not only Duanmuyi's guest room, but also Sihuage's partial residence.

Not all the people in Sihuage live in the main rudder, most of them still have their own real estate in the emperor.

Coincidentally, the ten people who kidnapped Duanmuyi today all lived in a large courtyard.

At this moment, they are all enjoying the cool air in the yard, chatting about today's affairs.When Xin Xuerou heard that Duanmuyi was taken away by He Erchuan, she didn't punish them and let them back, they were surprised.

Who knew that suddenly the courtyard door was kicked open.

Before the woman who was closest could turn around, she was torn in two by a rush of white light.

You Yuan squatted on the woman's hideous and terrifying corpse, staring at the remaining nine people with cold eyes, and looked at them one by one.

"What kind of monster is this!" The remaining nine people looked at each other in blank dismay, none of them had ever seen a spiritual pet, so naturally they didn't know how powerful You Yuan was.

(End of this chapter)

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