Chapter 1296

There was a gentlemanly knock on the door, and a man in a flaming red dress leaned on the door, smiling, and looked at them: "Where is that girl today?"

"Wh, what girl?" One person didn't realize it for a while, and asked stupidly.

Di Kongxuan still smiled, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

You Yuan went berserk and rushed towards the nearest person again.That person had been on guard for a long time, and dodged to avoid her, but no matter how fast she was, it would be faster than You Yuan, who was already at the [-]th level of Golden Core.

Another person fell under the giant palm of You Yuan.

Di Kongxuan's smile remained the same, and he was even interested in tidying up the wrinkles on his sleeves, as if he asked casually: "Do you remember now?

If you can’t remember, I’ll kill another one until you remember. "

"I remembered, I remembered!" The third woman in line cried tremblingly, "That, that girl was taken away by Prince Chuan!"

Di Kongxuan's originally smiling face suddenly darkened, and it was as if a ghost descended in an instant, causing a gust of cold wind to blow up from the ground, a chill that even the heat couldn't dispel.

He naturally knew who Prince Chuan was.

According to the rumors, he was a womanizer and had special and bad taste in sex. The women he liked, except for his eight wives, were basically dead.

Such a man, Duanmuyi fell into his hands, and was restricted by the rules of the world, he couldn't even imagine what would happen!
He slowly clenched his fists, bent his lips, and his eyes flashed coldly: "Very good, You Yuan, take off their two arms, tie them up, turn around, and give them a big gift."

You Yuan hammered his chest, and a lightning-like figure flew past. Wherever he passed, only the cries of pain from the remaining eight people could be heard, and then they fell to the ground one by one.

After tying them up, they were thrown in a firewood shed. Di Kongxuan put the restraint on them with his own hands, and immediately left with You Yuan.

At this time, He Erchuan had already been thrown out of the room.

Duanmuyi squeezed his fist, and the joints made a crackling sound.

She walked out the door with a slightly cold brow and a mocking smile: "Your Highness, do you really think I can't beat you?"

It was indeed her carelessness in the woods, and she was caught by him, and she didn't have the magic to escape, so she could only temporarily choose to catch her with nothing.

But at this moment, it was he who pushed him too hard, and after being kicked by her three times in a row, he kicked him out directly.

He Erchuan stood up holding his chest, and said with a smile: "Peony Pepper, this king just wants to get close to you, why are you so confused?"

"Fashion? With you?" Duanmuyi looked him up and down, and said after a while, "The breasts are too big, the arms are too thick, the abdominal muscles are uneven, and the body proportions are not perfect.

I consider my eyesight to be 5.1, and I have neither myopia nor astigmatism. "

At this time, the doors of the eight wives opened all at once, and saw that His Royal Highness the Prince had been beaten to the ground.

This woman actually said such tough words again, although the latter was a bit incomprehensible.

Everyone gave Duanmuyi a look of surprise and awe.

Sure enough, as His Royal Highness said...he is a wild person.

The eight people looked at each other and closed the door almost at the same time.

Even the Seventh Madam groaned: "Ah, my concubine is not feeling well tonight, so I won't be able to sleep with you. Your Highness, please rest early."

(End of this chapter)

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