Chapter 1297

Duanmu Pasta didn't change his face, looked at He Erchuan who got up from the ground, and said calmly: "Do you want to continue?"

He Erchuan also put away his smile, stood in front of her solemnly, and said: "Since Mudan likes people with small breasts, thin arms, thin abdominal muscles, well-proportioned and perfect figure, then I will definitely train them out.

However, whether you like it or not, tomorrow, you will be my ninth wife. "

"..." Duanmu Yi was also speechless for a while.

He may not even understand what abdominal muscles are, and what is a perfect figure, right?
Sure enough, he was arrogant and arrogant, and dared to promise anything.

"The king is looking forward to the wedding ceremony tomorrow." He Erchuan put on a smiling face again, laughed haha, turned his head and left, and did not knock on the door of Mrs. Seven's room.

Duanmuyi evoked a smile, retreated to the room, and closed the door.


She looked around, suddenly stretched out her hands, and slowly closed her eyes.

Her spiritual power spread towards the surroundings, and it could be clearly seen that there were twenty hidden guards arranged in the entire courtyard, and all of them were strong men at the peak of the day after tomorrow.

If she hadn't comprehended the new exercises, it would be really difficult to get out tonight.


She turned her eyes and landed on the window on the right.

Outside the window on the right is a high wall with ivy growing on it.

Three hidden guards on the wall were staring at her room.

20 people set up a net to prevent her from escaping.

She sucked in her palm, spiritual power spread out, and the window slowly opened.

Suddenly the wind blew up, and the ivy swayed. The three hidden guards were full of vigilance and immediately stared at the window.

After a while, there was no movement, one person jumped off the wall, glanced into the window, and saw Duanmuyi's back.

He turned around and gestured to indicate that it was all right, then turned over and jumped up.

The other two relaxed their minds a little. They were watching him fall beside them, but they didn't see him. Like a ghost, a figure floated out of the window and stuck to the base of the wall.

Her unique spiritual power formed a perfect cycle with the ivy.

Just like in the woods that night, through the spiritual induction between plants, he has the ability of "invisibility" to a certain extent.

The ivy absorbed the spiritual power overflowing from her body, and also showed a joyful gesture.

And she, in the swaying of the ivy, jumped up the high wall, flipped her body deftly, and passed the top of the wall.

At this moment, the person on the wall had already turned his head, and when he saw it, he immediately shouted: "No, the new lady has run away!"

With a cry, twenty secret guards chased after him.

Duanmuyi glanced back, secretly hating in his heart.

After all, "invisibility" cannot last. Once you leave the range of the ivy, the invisibility will have no effect.

At this moment, there were no plants on the street that could cover the sky for her to hide in, so she could only use her fastest speed to keep the distance from the people behind her as far as possible.

Fortunately, her cultivation base is innate late stage, which is a level higher than this group of ordinary people. Although she can't get rid of them, she hasn't been approached by them after all.

However, the good times didn't last long, and He Erchuan had already chased him out.

As the prince of the empire, He Erchuan has also become a strong man in the late stage by virtue of the empire's heaven and earth treasures, and he can be said to be a top and powerful figure in the human world.

He flew over a roof and blocked Duanmuyi's way forward.

"Peony, why are you running?" Standing in front of Duanmuyi, he was a little unhappy even if he had a good temper, so he simply asked directly, "Is this king not good enough for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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