Chapter 1298

Duanmu smiled lightly, glanced sharply behind him, and said: "There are too many people who treat me well in this world, do I want to marry everyone I see?"

As soon as the words fell, her slender legs jumped up suddenly, avoiding an arrow shot from behind, her figure flashed, and rushed into the alley next to her.

He Erchuan licked his lips and said with a smile: "Compared with this king's familiarity with the streets in the city?

Peony, you are destined to be the one in this king's hands. "

As soon as he gestured downward, the 20 people immediately separated.

Duanmuyi felt that there were fewer people chasing after him, and the pressure was relieved.

But she wasn't careless. As a top killer in her previous life, she was hunted everywhere and encountered too many conspiracy traps. What was there that she hadn't seen?
She smiled and grabbed a nearby vine.

At the exit of the alley ahead, 20 people gathered around, He Erchuan frowned: "Where are the people?"

"did not see it!"

"Neither here!"


He Erchuan stared at the alley, licked his lips, and there was a glint of hunting excitement in his eyes.

He turned around and said: "Send the Feather Guards, and the whole city is under martial law to search and arrest!
Peony, I don't believe that you escaped from my trap. "

Duanmuyi was currently hiding on a nearby tree, using the breath of the tree to perfectly hide himself.

She also sneered when she heard He Erchuan's words.

Wouldn't it be ridiculous to want to trap her like this.

The west side of the imperial capital is a stretch of mountains, and the west gate is on the edge of the cliff.

At this moment, the Feather Guards who received the order from He Erchuan were dispatched throughout the city, and 300 people gathered in Xishan.

Duanmuyi stuck behind the tree, watching the changing of the guards.

According to her calculations, the time for each guard to change guards is only ten seconds, and she can only use these ten seconds.

Now is the darkest moment before dawn. If you miss this time, the next time, it will be dawn, and it will be even more difficult for her to hide her whereabouts.

Her eyes were fixed on the group of guards, and when they walked past and rounded the corner of the sentry box, that was her chance.

It's now!

The power of her palm floated, and the weeds under her feet swayed slightly, almost supporting her to move forward at high speed.

If someone could see her at this time, they would definitely find that the distance she took in one step was a full three meters.

That team of guards abducted, and another team of guards abducted out.

But Duanmuyi has already successfully passed the Xishan sentry box and sneaked into the vast mountains.

She landed on a piece of grass, laughed lightly, and disappeared instantly like a fish throwing herself into the sea.

Because of this, she did not realize that a dark red figure had landed lightly behind the tree she had just stood on.

On the street, several fast horses came galloping, and the first person stopped the horse: "Is there anything unusual?"

"Prince, there is nothing unusual." The guard replied.

He Erchuan's falcon-like eyes flicked around, and suddenly landed on the sand outside the sentry box.He jumped off his horse, looked forward, suddenly turned around and slapped the guard till he vomited blood.

"Bastard, everyone has run away, how dare you say there is nothing abnormal!"

He Erchuan pointed to a shallow footprint on the ground, "I just made one, and I didn't run very far. You 100 people, follow me!"

Helian chased after him and shouted: "Your Highness, it's too late, why don't you bring more people?"

He Erchuan sneered: "She is a girl who dares to go into the mountains alone, don't you think this king is not as good as a woman?"

"You know I don't mean that." Helian muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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