Chapter 1299

"Don't talk nonsense, don't follow." He Erchuan squinted at him, jumped on his horse, and rushed out first.

Helian quickly ordered a hundred guards and sneaked into the forest together.

Di Kongxuan walked out from behind the tree, looking at their leaving figures, his eyes grew colder.

"Who?" The remaining guards saw him appearing suddenly, and immediately became alert.

Di Kongxuan's expression was cold and arrogant, he glanced at them, but he didn't bother to fight with ordinary people at all, and disappeared in place with just a shadow.

The guards rubbed their eyes and asked each other, "Did you see someone just now? Is it my eyes?"

Duanmuyi looked at the cliff in front of her, feeling a little helpless - after all, she didn't know the way.

Although communicating with animals and plants along the way, it is clear that there are some roads that animals can pass, but she cannot.

For example, this road, she just asked the blue-backed bird before taking it.

Of course the blue-backed bird said it could go... But the problem is that she can't fly past the bird.

Behind her, He Erchuan had already walked over, standing behind her with his hands behind his back, smiling: "Peony beauty, there is nowhere to escape, right?
When the bird has nowhere to go, it is the best choice to go with the owner. "

Duanmuyi looked back and smiled, with all kinds of flair: "You are wrong, isn't there another way?"

"What are you doing!" He Erchuan reacted and shouted, "Don't do something stupid!"

He quickly chased after him, but the distance he took ten steps was nothing compared to Duanmuyi's small step.

He rushed to the edge of the cliff, but Duanmuyi fell down like a kite with a broken string.

"Your Highness!" Helian quickly stopped him, for fear that he would do something stupid.

He Erchuan turned around and kicked him, apparently having gone berserk: "Why are you dragging me, his grandma!
Hurry up and send someone down to search!
Live to see people, die to see corpses!
Grandma's, Mudan, I don't want to see you anymore! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a red shadow fell in front of him.

Di Kongxuan walked quickly to the edge of the cliff, frowned and looked towards the bottom of the cliff.

The cliff was bottomless, filled with mist, and no one had set foot on it for hundreds of years, so he couldn't clearly sense what was going on below.

Fortunately, You Yuan can sense that the ear fox is fine through the special induction between spiritual pets.

Erhu is fine, which naturally means that Duanmu is fine.

Di Kongxuan felt relieved, turned his head and saw that the people headed by He Erchuan were all staring at him blankly, as if they still didn't understand where he came from.

Seeing He Erchuan, he became angry.

His maidservant is only allowed to be bullied by him alone, how can she let others touch her!

Not even a touch!

"Who are you!" Helian was the first to react, jumped three feet high, and shouted loudly, "Protect Your Highness, protect Your Highness!"

Hundreds of guards quickly surrounded him, blocking He Erchuan behind him.

Di Kongxuan smiled contemptuously, everyone felt a gust of wind blowing by, and when they looked again, Dikongxuan was no longer in sight.

He Erchuan's neck was already pinched in his hands.

"Here is a poison, I would like to ask His Royal Highness Prince Chuan to taste it." Di Kongxuan smiled brightly.

He Erchuan frowned and said: "Since you know that this prince is Prince Chuan, you should know that this prince is not something you can provoke!
Who are you, leave now, this king will spare you from dying! "

Di Kongxuan smiled calmly, and just slapped the medicine into his mouth: "The antidote is in the courtyard at No. 18, Jingdong Lane, the imperial capital. There is a time limit of one hour. If Prince Chuan doesn't want to die, he should go there quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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