Chapter 1300

"You!" He Erchuan felt his stomach start to heat up, his complexion changed, he made a decisive decision, and turned around, "Let's go!"

Everyone retreated one after another, and Di Kongxuan sat down on the top of the cliff.

"You Yuan." He called out.

You Yuan got out from the spirit pet space and squatted beside him.

"How is she now?"

You Yuan whined twice.

"Oh? Forbidden space?" Dikong's dark eyes moved slightly, rarely surprised, "There is actually a forbidden space in this human world?

That should be left by people hundreds of years ago, right?

However, since there is no danger... Heh, it is also an opportunity for her, so let's wait here. "

You Yuan got down on the ground and rolled on the spot, ready to watch the sunrise out of boredom.

At this time, Fang Ru had already stopped in a barren valley.

She also listened to the telepathy between the ear fox and her, so she knew that there were many vines below, and she was fully capable of landing safely, so she boldly jumped off.

Otherwise, she probably would have chosen to go back with He Erchuan, and figured out another way.

In the killer's code, when faced with life-threatening situations, go if there is a way to go, and temporarily compromise if there is no way to go.

Fortunately, there is a way to go now. Although she doesn't hate He Erchuan, she definitely doesn't like it.

He is upright enough, but also appears excessively selfish.

"Where is this?" She looked around, there were cliffs on both sides, and there was a trail in the east and west, but she didn't know where it led.

Moreover, there was no grass growing under the cliff, and the animals were extinct. She didn't even have a place to ask.

The ear fox came out of the spirit pet space, looked at the east side, and called out vigilantly.

Duanmu patted it reassuringly, and turned to the west: "If it's dangerous there, we'll go this way."

Erhu grabbed her collar, with a suspicious look in his eyes.

Although it sensed that there was an irresistible danger in the east, the west gave it a mysterious aura, which was an old and simple aura, which it had never felt before.

Duanmuyi has already taken a step forward, walking towards the west side.

Not long after, a lonely grave suddenly appeared in front of him.

Duanmuyi stopped in his tracks, a little stunned—someone actually erected a tombstone here in this place where the birds don't shit?Where is it sacred?
She stepped forward and looked at the tombstone.

However, there was no word on the tombstone!
There is no inscription on the tombstone in front of me, and the gray and white color seems to interpret the deepest loneliness in the world.

Duanmuyi has been able to see for a long time, only to feel his mind start to roar and feel dizzy.

The ear fox rubbed its front paws restlessly on its shoulders. Spiritual creatures are naturally sensitive to danger. At this moment, the unfathomable tombstone already made it feel oppressive and wanted to shrink back.

However, Duanmuyi has already stretched out his hand towards the tombstone.

"Chichi!" Erhu was horrified and automatically went back to the space of spiritual pets.

Duanmuyi could no longer hear the sound of the outside world, and only this mysterious tombstone was left in front of her eyes.

It seemed that someone was calling softly in her ear, calling her to touch it.

Just when her fingertips were only an inch away from the tombstone, her eyes suddenly recovered.

"What's going on?" She immediately withdrew her hand, looking at this ordinary but mysterious tombstone without words, her heartbeat started to speed up.

She didn't even realize what she did just now.

Someone must have controlled her mind!
Thinking of this, Duanmuyi suddenly turned around, looked around, and said coldly: "Who is playing tricks behind your back, get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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