Chapter 1301

A bleak wind blew up on the flat ground, and the mat rushed towards her with flying sand and rocks.

Duanmuyi squinted his eyes, only felt that there was an aura of vicissitudes and simplicity in the sand and stones.

The Seven Treasure Blade had already been drawn out of her hand, and her other hand was also brewing spiritual power, just waiting to receive the opponent's blow.

However, the expected attack did not come, but an extremely eye-catching white light flashed in front of his eyes.

White light shines from behind the sandstone, and immediately behind her, the tombstone released a huge suction force.

Without even struggling, Duanmuyi was strangely sucked into the tombstone.

If you look closely, you can see ripples on the tombstone, which calm down after a while.

Duanmuyi first felt a sense of weightlessness, she quickly adjusted her figure, and the Seven Treasure Blade swiped left and right by her side, but she never cut anything solid.

And when she was about to use her spiritual power, she was even more horrified to find that her spiritual power seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and she couldn't mobilize it from her dantian!

Just when she felt that she might fall to her death, a gentle force emerged from the soles of her feet and supported her.

However, that force swept her aside from feet to head, and a slight "huh" resounded in the empty space.

Duanmuyi looked around and frowned: "Who is it?"

"Hehe, little girl, you broke into my mausoleum and disturbed my cleaning, and you still ask me who I am?" The voice sounded again.

Although the words were smiling, Duanmuyi had already sensed that there was an aura locked on her, making her unable to move.

It was this feeling of being controlled by others again, which made Duanmuyi feel very uncomfortable.

While trying to mobilize her spiritual power, she said, "This is your mausoleum?
On the wordless tablet outside, it doesn't say who you are. "

The voice was silent for a moment, and suddenly the space in front of Duanmuyi was slightly distorted, and after a while, in Duanmuyi's astonished eyes, a person appeared in front of her for no reason.

"Don't waste your energy, in the space of my mausoleum, it is impossible for you to mobilize power, unless you are a strong Nascent Soul Stage.

But in my opinion, you girl is nothing more than a congenital late cultivation base. "

The man was in the form of a soul, dressed in a white robe, with a beautiful beard, and looked about 50 or [-] years old, which was considered young among cultivators.

Duanmuyi looked at him vigilantly, and asked, "What are you pulling me in for?"

"I didn't pull you in. You broke the restriction I set outside and broke in. I haven't blamed you yet, but you talk a lot." The man stretched out his hand and pressed it to her forehead.

Duanmu wanted to avoid it, but his body was imprisoned without knowing it.

She gritted her teeth, but also felt powerless.

"Sure enough, sure enough." The man laughed loudly and withdrew his hand, "I have waited for 500 years, and I finally found a person with dual bloodlines! Hahaha!"

Duanmuyi's pupils shrank—two bloodlines?
She remembered that Jiang Xin had said before that there was another blood power in her body.

The dark green drop-shaped bead in her dantian has never changed no matter how diligent her cultivation is.

"It seems that you know it too?" The man walked around her twice, and chuckled lightly: "Little girl, if my perception is not wrong, you are the blood of the Duanmu family of the Lingzu, right?"

Duanmuyi's eyebrows were stained with some frost, and he couldn't help but lower his tone: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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