Chapter 1302

"He has a pretty big temper." The man shook his head, and with his index finger pointing to the void, he actually transformed into a chair.

He floated over, sat down on the chair, looked at Duanmuyi, and said with a smile: "I don't care what grievances you have with the Duanmu family, just promise me one thing, and I can give you absolute strength."

Duanmuyi frowned and looked at him: "Absolute power?"

"Not bad." The man raised his hand and threw her a ring, "Do you know what this is?"

Duanmuyi glanced down and said, "Spirit ring."

"This is not an ordinary spirit ring." The man smiled, "Spirit rings are also divided into low-level, intermediate and high-level.

The one I gave you is the most advanced one.

I've erased the imprint of my soul, and now it's yours. "

Duanmuyi was stunned.

The low-level spirit ring is already a rare treasure, and the one in her hand was given to her by Jiang Yi before parting.

However, this inexplicable man in front of him turned out to be a high-level spirit ring?
She rubbed the ring, suddenly curled her lips, and threw it back: "No need, I don't need it."

"It contains all the exercises I have collected over the past 300 years, all of which are priceless.

If you can learn two or three, you will be invincible, don't you? "The man was obviously a little surprised by her rejection.

Duanmuyi smiled: "Do you really think I don't know anything?

If anyone can come in if they touch the restriction, why don't you be annoyed to death?

You picked me on purpose and pulled me in, right?

Now you want to use this high-level spirit ring to attract me again, you have worked so hard, it can be seen that what you want me to do for you is not easy.

I'm so busy right now that I don't have time to take care of your business. "

The man was blocked by her and was speechless for a while.

After a while, he sighed with a smile: "Children now, you know who I am?"

Duanmu shook his head: "Not interested."

However, the man continued on his own: "My name is Duan Musen."

Duanmuyi's pupils shrank impressively, then he raised his head suddenly, and looked at the man in front of him - Duanmusen?

"Do you have any impression?" The man smiled.

Duanmuyi swallowed, feeling dizzy for a while.

It is really impressive, in the memory of the former owner of this body, Duanmu Sen is the highest ancestor enshrined in the mourning hall of the Duanmu family!
He is the most outstanding cultivator of the Duanmu family for thousands of years.

The Duanmu family also became prosperous after Duanmusen!

She never imagined that such an old ancestor would be buried in an unknown mountain stream in the human world, without any writing on the tombstone.

No one knows the identity of the owner of the tombstone who was famous for a while, and there will be no condolences.

Duan Musen looked at her changing expression, and smiled again: "Unexpected?"

"...It's really unexpected." Duanmuyi nodded.

"To tell you the truth, I sealed myself here by myself." Duan Musen said slowly, "500 years ago, a great war broke out in the world, and the three tribes of human demons and spirits were in chaos. The curtain ends with the complete destruction of the monster clan and the spirit clan assisting the human race to stabilize the world order.

But no one knew that the real source of this scuffle was actually the human race. "

Duanmuyi frowned, and asked suspiciously: "Human Race?"

(End of this chapter)

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