Chapter 1303

"Although the human race does not have strong spiritual power to support them, their wisdom has allowed them to develop many things that restrain the abilities of the spirit race and the demon race.

The human race wants the Spirit Race and the Monster Race to bow their heads and surrender, so that they can control the Spirit Race and the Monster Race from now on, and control them for their own use. "Duan Musen sighed, "And I also fell into the tricks of the human race, which eventually caused the destruction of the monster race.

Since then, I have sealed myself here as punishment. "

Duanmuyi thought of another one.

It seems that Di Kongxuan is also five hundred years old, so he should also be aware of the 500-year-old matter.

After you get out, maybe you can ask him.

"Then what do you want me to do for you?" Duanmuyi asked.

Duan Musen looked at her and stretched out his hand: "Give me a drop of your blood essence."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, took half a step back, and said vigilantly, "What do you want my blood for?"

A person's essence and blood are the essence of the whole body, the total amount is only a little bigger than a baby's fist, and it is hidden in the heart, and every drop is lost.

If the essence and blood are exhausted, the person will die.

"You have two bloodlines, and the essence of the two bloodlines can lift my seal.

My soul can't last long, but before I completely dissipate in this world, I want to do one last thing. " Duan Musen said.

Duanmu pursed his lips and shook his head: "I don't believe you."

"Don't believe me?" Duan Musen laughed dumbly, suddenly turned his palm up, and an invisible aura appeared in his palm obediently.

Since the appearance of this group of breath, Duan Musen's original strong momentum has been weakened by half.

Looking at the aura, Duanmu felt a sense of oppression from strength.

"This is……"

"This is half of my cultivation." Duan Musen looked at the thing in his palm and smiled, "I have condensed it here, you can refine it, and it will be just around the corner to enter the golden core stage.

Don't look at me like that, I'm already at the Nascent Soul stage, if I give you all my cultivation, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it, and you will explode and die. "

"What's more, I keep half of it for revenge."

Duanmu Yi's heart trembled when he heard his cold tone.

What kind of hatred made him seal himself for 500 years, but he still persistently wanted to get out before his soul was about to disappear?
"It's been 500 years, is your enemy still there?" Duanmuyi shook his head, obviously feeling that he was a little unreasonable.

Duan Musen laughed: "It must be there. My seal is not broken, how could he die."

"Didn't you say that you set up this seal yourself?" Duan Muyi felt that his words did not match the words.

Duanmusen was silent for a moment, then smiled: "Girl, knowing too much is not good for you. Since you are a descendant of the Duanmu family, I don't care about you.

Do you want this half of the cultivation base, or not? "

Duanmuyi lowered his eyes, and after a while, he took a deep breath: "Well, I'm really moved."

"I don't care what grievances you have with the Duanmu family, the matter of future generations has nothing to do with me.

As long as you help me get out of here, I will give you a chance. " Duan Musen said.

"What should I do?" Duanmuyi asked.

Duan Musen took a deep breath, his fingers changed, suddenly there was a tremor in the void, and a water mirror emerged. "Put your blood on the water mirror," he said.

Duanmuyi cut his finger with the seven-treasure blade, and then commanded his mind, a drop of blood essence separated, dripped from between his fingers, and fell on the water mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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