Chapter 1308

Now that Di Kongxuan actually proposed it on his own initiative, she immediately geared up and said that she would go immediately.

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, and sneered: "You think Shanhai Lingyu is a vegetable market, you can go there whenever you want?"

"..." Duanmu's mental strength is not as good as human beings, bear it!

"Stand back, it's in the way." Di Kongxuan took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and pointed at the small waterfall from afar.

In the palm of his hand, golden light shone, and a rainbow bridge invisible to others connected from his palm to the waterfall.

In the blink of an eye, the flow of the waterfall stopped abruptly.

Immediately, ripples appeared in the space, and after a while of shaking, a small opening suddenly opened in the middle of the waterfall!
Through the small black opening, Duanmuyi could only see the huge wind blade swimming in it, and a force that she dared not resist came out.

The cold wind alone made her take half a step back.

"What a powerful force!"

Di Kongxuan looked back, and said: "Follow me closely, I can't guarantee that I will be able to take care of you later in the space gap."

Duanmuyi threw herself on his back without even thinking.

Heh, stinky man, how can you dump me like this.

Dikongxuan's back stiffened, and he was about to scold her for jumping off, but the fragrance from her hair made him dazed for a moment.

Immediately, his wrist moved, finally supported her, and walked towards the space gap.

Just after the two disappeared, the crack closed, and the stagnant waterfall suddenly hit the lake below, splashing water all over the sky.

Two figures slowly emerged, Duanmu Xiaoxiao looked at the closed and disappeared entrance, and said anxiously: "Grandpa, let's go in quickly!"

The Great Elder was silent for a moment, and said: "I have no problem entering, but Xiao Xiao, you are only a late-innate cultivation base, and you are not suitable for entering the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm.

There are dangers everywhere, if you don't have the ability to protect yourself, even I can't take care of you all the time. "

"Then Liu'er is also a congenital late stage?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao said, suddenly thought of something, with a look of disbelief.

"Impossible, last time you said that she was a late-stage congenital, could it be that she has already..."

The Great Elder frowned slightly: "Although I haven't fought her, I can't judge accurately, but I think her aura is soaring, it should be the early stage of Jindan."

"How could it be!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it, and screamed, "Even if she breaks through, she should be in the congenital Dzogchen.

How could it be possible to jump into the golden core stage! "

The Great Elder sighed, patted her back comfortingly, and sighed: "Well, you go back first and be with the clansmen.

I will go to Shanhai Lingyu to have a look, if I can do it, I will take her life for you. "

Duanmu Xiaoxiao looked at him aggrievedly: "Grandpa, you must make the decision for Xiao Xiao."

The facts in the passage proved how correct Duanmuyi's actions were.

Lying on Dikongxuan's back can be said to be the safest place.

Spiritual power swelled all over his body, forming a golden spherical barrier on the outside of his body. Those wind blades that floated with the power of space would automatically dissipate when they passed the golden ball.

Looking at those wind blades that could kill her with a single strike, Duanmuyi was really surprised that Di Kongxuan's enchantment was so vulnerable.

She couldn't help asking: "How much is your cultivation?"

"Just be better than you." Di Kongxuan mocked again.

(End of this chapter)

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