Chapter 1309

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth and grabbed his neck: "Do you have a grudge against Duanmusen?
Didn't I just absorb some of his spiritual power?

I will go to the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm later, I will practice a little more, just to digest it. "

"It's easy for you to say, the danger of the mountain and sea spiritual realm, you will know it after you have seen it."

Di Kongxuan lifted her up, and patted her plump buttocks, "Stop talking, it's too noisy!"

Duanmuyi wished to strangle him to death with one hand, but at this moment she could only rely on him, so she put down her hand angrily and stopped talking.

Fortunately, the crack in this space is not long. After a while, a spot of light appeared in front of it, and if it got closer, it really was an exit.

Di Kongxuan suddenly said: "Where the exit of the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm is located is random, so if there is an abyss later, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Ah?" Before Duanmuyi could react, his feet were empty, followed by two plops.

The foot is not a deep abyss, but a big swamp.

The two fell into the water, Duanmuyi let go of his hands, and got off Dikongxuan's back.

The water of Daze seems to have a strange viscosity. She claims that the water quality is good, but in this water, she can only keep falling, unable to float up.

Fortunately, she has a strong ability to adapt, and immediately released her spiritual power, barely forming a thin film around her body.

Under the protection of this spiritual membrane, she finally managed to swim upstream.

When she came out of the water, she saw the man in the red dress stepping on the water at a glance, with fluttering skirts and an elegant posture, looking down at her distressed appearance, he bent his eyebrows and smiled.

He always turned his face upside down when he laughed, and this time was no exception. No matter how many times Duanmuyi watched it, he couldn't help but lose his mind for a moment.

However, when she looked down at her embarrassed appearance again, she immediately gritted her teeth viciously.

He must have been prepared for a long time, but he deliberately watched her make a fool of himself and didn't save her. This kind of person, damn it!
As soon as she turned her hand, she picked up a handful of water, flew up, and splashed towards Dikongxuan's head.

Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows, and snapped his fingers with a smile, the water splashed still in mid-air, and immediately turned around and splashed towards her.

Although Duanmuyi's cultivation level is not as good as his at this time, it is not impossible to avoid it, so he immediately avoids it with a short body.

However, those water splashes didn't stop, they flew over her scalp, and immediately after, Duanmuyi heard a "chi" sound, and the waves suddenly surged in the big lake.

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, and saw a big yellow snake rolling in the water.

"This is Ba Snake." Di Kongxuan's voice sounded behind him, "Ba Snake's cultivation base is calculated in terms of blue, yellow, red, and black, blue is ten years, yellow is a hundred years, red is a thousand years, and black is ten thousand years.

Looking at it, the snake Lin is yellow, and it should be a Ba snake that has been practicing for a hundred years. "

Duanmuyi made some calculations and said, "I can beat it."

Di Kongxuan sneered: "Of course you can beat it, a hundred-year-old monster is just a human being who is equivalent to a congenital Dzogchen.

However, Ba Snake is cunning, if I hadn't acted just now, you might have been buried in the snake's belly. "

Duanmuyi has no way to refute, what he said is indeed so.

Ba Snake was waiting for an opportunity behind her, but she didn't notice it at all.

When she first entered the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm, she almost died here. Duan Muyi had to pay more attention to this place that was originally a "cornucopia" for her.

The place is good, but you have to stay alive.

(End of this chapter)

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