kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 131 A Chance to Ingratiate

Chapter 131 A Chance to Ingratiate

"That's a pirated version and you shouldn't watch it. I'll give you a genuine version some other day!" Bai Jiujiu found a perfect excuse.

Lu Sichen raised his eyebrows, "Really? Then I'll wait and see." He didn't continue to embarrass Bai Jiujiu.

This made Bai Jiujiu slightly relieved.

Bai Jiujiu didn't think too much, and went directly to the lobby, thirsty and wanted to drink some juice, but unexpectedly, Xiaobai had been following her not far away, so she dared to walk cautiously.

It is said that dogs like to chase and bite people who run away.

Seeing Secretary Wu, Bai Jiujiu waved at him as if seeing a savior, "Secretary Wu!"

Secretary Wu, who was about to leave, had no choice but to turn back, and the future "lady boss" yelled that she had to go.

This is an opportunity to please, not to offend.

"Secretary Wu, hurry up and let Xiaobai go, don't follow me anymore." Bai Jiujiu looked forward to it.

Secretary Wu shrugged his shoulders, "Xiaobai only listens to the command of the big boss, and the big boss has intentions..."

"And the big boss wants Xiaobai to communicate with you on purpose."

"What! Why?" Bai Jiujiu didn't know that he had been swayed by the uncle.

"Xiaobai has different feelings for the big boss, so naturally I hope you can get along well." Secretary Wu laughed.

"What kind of relationship?" Bai Jiujiu was puzzled, she could see that Lu Sichen was indeed different from Xiaobai.

That kind of gentleness that is hard to reveal can be seen in Xiaobai anytime, anywhere, which has aroused the jealousy of many women, not including her of course!

Cough cough, forget it, let’s be honest, a little bit, but only a little bit.

Secretary Wu was a little surprised, "Xiaobai has saved the life of the boss, don't you know?"

Bai Jiujiu was even more confused, "What kind of life-saving grace?"

"..." Uh, Secretary Wu seems to have discovered some terrible secret. The big boss doesn't seem to have told Bai Jiujiu anything, which means that the big boss probably doesn't want Bai Jiujiu to know.

Oops!If the big boss finds out that he is talkative, then his bonus! ! !

Before the big boss finds out, 36 moves is the best plan!
"It's getting late, 'Madam Boss' has a good rest!" Secretary Wu slipped away as quickly as possible.

"..." Bai Jiujiu watched Secretary Wu disappear before his eyes at the speed of a [-]-meter race.

Is Xiaobai the uncle's savior?

The uncle seemed to be hiding many things from her, and Bai Jiujiu felt inexplicably melancholy.

But didn't she also have something to hide from the uncle?
Thinking of this, Bai Jiujiu regained his mental balance and must not be tempted by the uncle!
She remembered that Liying told her that in the game of feelings, whoever is tempted first will lose first.

correct!I don't know if Xiaoying has returned home, or did Lan Feiang send her home?

Thinking of this, Bai Jiujiu immediately took out his phone to have a look!
Huh?When did it shut down, is it out of power?
As soon as it was powered on, there were more than a dozen unknown calls and text messages from an unknown number.

Open the content and have a look: Where is your girlfriend's home?She's too drunk!

Bai Jiujiu hurriedly called,
"Boss Lan, did you send Liying home? How is she?"

I only heard Lan Feiang's anxious voice on the phone: "Don't vomit, don't vomit here, go to the bathroom!"

Then, I heard Lan Feiang's sour tone, "Master, I sent it directly to the hotel, and I was slapped on the face. I will remember this matter."

Lan Feiang will always hurt Lu Sichen from time to time, so it goes well, but of course the consequences are very serious every time, so he always doesn't care.

"What are you doing?" Before Bai Jiujiu could react, someone snatched the mobile phone first, and turned on the speakerphone.

Bai Jiujiu only heard Lan Feiang's disdainful voice, "What are you pretending to be, aren't you two mobile phones turned off because you are afraid that I will disturb you?


"Why, do you want to try?" Lu Sichen's cold voice almost scared Lan Feiang to death.

"Big...Brother!" Lan Feiang had already scolded Bai Jiujiu in his heart, this kid was really cheating him!

"Don't worry!" After speaking, Lu Sichen hung up the phone directly.

Lan Feiang was so scared that he almost scolded his mother!
It is estimated that tomorrow there will be another beating, and if it is serious, he may be sent to the hospital.

Bai Jiujiu was really cheating him to death, and when he saw the drunk Lin Liying still throwing up in the bathroom, Lan Feiang was as big as his head.

Did he owe Bai Jiujiu in his previous life?

After Bai Jiujiu listened to the conversation, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Tsk tsk tsk, this is simply a beast, even my brothers will not be spared!

Lu Sichen stared straight at Bai Jiujiu, and Bai Jiujiu subconsciously opened his mouth when he was stared at by the cold and sharp eyes.

"do not!"

Lu Sichen slightly raised his saber eyebrows, and tapped Bai Jiujiu's little head, "What do you think about all day long? Thinking so impure?"

"..." How did it become her fault?

Lu Sichen's hair was dripping with water, and he came to the hall without drying it obviously, and handed a towel to Bai Jiujiu.

"Why?" Bai Jiujiu was confused.

"Wipe your hair." Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu with a meaningful smile, "What do you think you want to do?"

Bai Jiujiu coughed twice in embarrassment, and Lu Sichen turned and left directly.

Bai Jiujiu had no choice but to follow in his footsteps, "Not to wipe your hair, where are you going?"

"Go back to the room and wipe!"

Lu Sichen was very comfortable and even enjoyed it. He didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu could not only brush his hair, but also massage it.

"Where did you learn?"

(End of this chapter)

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