kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 132 I'm Not Ready Yet!

Chapter 132 I'm Not Ready Yet!
Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, then said, "I learned it while working part-time."

The word part-time job made Lu Sichen frowned slightly.

Bai Jiujiu didn't like to see Lu Sichen frowning, maybe he frowned a lot, and there was a light and deep mark between his brows, which made people feel distressed inexplicably, but he had to admit that this man had an irresistible charm.

Every move is mature and wise, attracting people's attention.

"You really didn't expect to go back to school?" Lu Sichen's voice was deep and pleasant, with a caring tone of an elder.

It was very different from the feeling of asking for the first time, cold and formulaic.

School?A glint of hope flashed in Bai Jiujiu's eyes, never thought about it, but now is not the time!
"I want to be shortlisted for the Rising Star Incubation Program. This is also an opportunity to learn. I can learn the skills to make money without paying tuition fees. It is the most suitable investment for me so far.

Of course, you can learn some knowledge and get a diploma when you go back to school, but I think it would be better to go back when you need a diploma to improve yourself. "

Lu Sichen didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to say that, his eyebrows stretched, but the corners of his mouth slightly curled down, and he didn't say anything.

But it could be seen that Lu Sichen was in a good mood. He didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to draw inferences from one instance, remember what he said before, and understand it thoroughly.

Fearing that the air would be suddenly quiet, Bai Jiujiu tried to find a topic to divert his attention.

"I heard from Secretary Wu, what happened to Xiaobai saving your life?"

Bai Jiujiu just asked casually, but he clearly felt the air-conditioning around Lu Sichen, which was extremely dangerous!
Bai Jiujiu tried his best to pretend to be calm, and changed the topic, " doesn't matter if you don't say anything."

"To be precise, it wasn't Xiaobai who saved me, but its mother saved me."

Bai Jiujiu let out a light sigh, and didn't dare to ask any more. She could see that after this question, Lu Sichen was in a particularly bad mood, as if he was stuck in a certain memory, and didn't even respond to the vibration of his phone.

Helpless, Bai Jiujiu had no choice but to walk over and handed the phone to Lu Sichen, "It seems to be Secretary Wu calling."

Lu Sichen pressed the speakerphone directly.

It seems that every time he is with Bai Jiujiu, Lu Sichen is used to using the speakerphone, even when someone calls Bai Jiujiu, he will also press the speakerphone.

"The BOSS found Yun Manni's information. She is Jiang Yuanyuan's cousin. Her father is Yun Lingfeng. She is a gangster in City A. She is now working as a manager in New World."

"Jiang Yuanyuan? It turned out to be her cousin! No wonder you are hostile to me." Bai Jiujiu still remembered that Lu Sichen sent Jiang Yuanyuan to the mental hospital at that time, so he would definitely hold a grudge against her.

Moreover, Jiang Yuanyuan mentioned her uncle's name when she kidnapped her before, and she couldn't afford to offend her.

Then it can also be said that Miao Shuang and Yun Manni knew each other, and it was very likely that Yun Manni instructed the assistant director, but these were just her conjectures.

She has no proof.

And the most important thing in this era is evidence.

"Good job." Lu Sichen praised Secretary Wu, "Yun Manni, keep an eye on me."

It's rare for a big boss to praise him!
"Okay." Secretary Wu said in a good mood.

"What reward do you want?" The corner of Lu Sichen's mouth curled into a half-smile.

Secretary Wu was flattered to hear the big boss say this. He has done so much before, and the big boss has never said anything about rewards. The 'boss lady' is really awesome, it must be 'he' said something to the boss.

"No, no need." Secretary Wu was a little more polite, he knew that the boss had never been so stingy.

"This month's salary will be halved." Lu Sichen didn't care whether he was willing or not.

"Thank you, sir..." Secretary Wu thanked subconsciously, and felt something was wrong after he finished speaking. Just now he seemed to hear that it was minus... not plus?

Immediately realized what was going on, Secretary Wu wanted to cry but had no tears, 'Madam Boss' you cheated me! ! !

hi chirp!Bai Jiujiu sneezed continuously, as if someone was scolding her?
"What should we do now? She will definitely not let it go." Bai Jiujiu frowned slightly.

"I'll take care of it. I think you'd like some news more than this." Lu Sichen handed over the tablet directly.

Bai Jiujiu saw that she was ranked No.1, which meant she could be admitted!
By the way, I opened the following rankings, Miao Shuang is No.3, Tang Yijuan is No.11, it is a pity that they will be brushed down!

Miao Shuang is indeed capable, but she is even happier that she passed, and her efforts were not in vain.

"Great!" Bai Jiujiu hugged the tablet and said to Lu Sichen, "Thank you!"

After all, it was Lu Sichen who really helped her a lot.

It was rare for Lu Sichen to see Bai Jiujiu smiling so happily from the bottom of his heart, "Just thank me like that?"

"How about... treat you to dinner?" Bai Jiujiu could only think of this.

"But I don't want to eat now." Lu Sichen stood up while talking, just now Bai Jiujiu's massage skills were good, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised.

"Then... what do you want to do?" Bai Jiujiu was not sure what the person in front of him was thinking.

Lu Sichen cornered Bai Jiujiu, staring at 'him' affectionately.

not good!Bai Jiujiu woke up instantly, and bit Lu Sichen's tongue.

Lu Sichen let go of his hand in pain, was pushed back by Bai Jiujiu, and took two steps back.

"You bit me?" Lu Sichen's gloomy eyes flashed, Bai Jiujiu was inexplicably guilty and afraid, and dared not look directly.

"I... I'm not ready..." Bai Jiujiu's eyes dodged, like a frightened rabbit, pure white and harmless.

(End of this chapter)

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