Chapter 133 The Handsome Mess

Seeing this kind of pure handsomeness, Lu Sichen felt a little hard to calm down, and couldn't tell what it was like, it was that kind of special and complicated one.

Lu Sichen clenched his fingers and creaked, and it was obvious that he was holding back, but he couldn't move anymore when Bai Jiujiu was in front of him.

Lu Sichen's heart is also extremely complicated, as complicated as it needs to be, in short, it is very complicated, that's right!

"Damn it!" Lu Sichen threw away these words and went straight to the bathroom again, even a layer of skin was washed off!
Sooner or later, Bai Jiujiu made him collapse, especially collapse!
Bai Jiujiu listened to the sound of the water from the faucet turning on, he was slightly relieved, he could not help but support his forehead with a headache, recently Lu Sichen has become more and more interested in 'him'.

It's really dangerous for me to go on like this, not to mention the issue of losing my virginity, there is also the issue of real identity.

The acting was performed by her just now, Lu Sichen seems to have a lot of sympathy for animals, he must find Lin Liying to find a way to get the best of both worlds, otherwise he will be ruined sooner or later.

The consequences are beyond what the current 'he' can bear.

But Bai Jiujiu didn't know that Lu Sichen was not impressed by 'him' acting skills, but more because he didn't want to hurt 'him'.

Especially when Bai Jiujiu saw the fear of himself in his eyes.

Only Lu Sichen himself knows how strong concentration is needed.

In fact, in a sense, Lu Sichen was quite pitiful.

He talked to Bai Jiujiu, but psychologically he still had a little bit of mind and a little bit of resistance to this aspect.

But every time he got close to Bai Jiujiu, Lu Sichen couldn't restrain himself at all, he had never been so entangled in his heart.

Lu Sichen rubbed his eyebrows, and let out a faint breath.

If this continues, he will really collapse, maybe even go crazy.

God knows how tired he is, so tired, so tired anyway!

Bai Jiujiu tried his best to hold back until Lu Sichen fell asleep, but he didn't expect that when 'he' was about to fall asleep, Lu Sichen hadn't finished washing.

After all, he couldn't bear to sleep soundly, Lu Sichen came out wrapped in a bath towel...

When Lu Sichen came out wrapped in a bath towel, he could still hear Bai Jiujiu snoring.

Lu Sichen smiled wryly, he was tortured inside, 'he' slept so soundly.

But looking at Bai Jiujiu's sleeping face, he seemed to feel happiness that he had never felt before.

The smile on the corner of his mouth deepened. At this time, Lu Sichen had completely lifted the ban.

Bai Jiujiu, who was in a drowsy sleep, felt that someone was holding her tightly behind her. This feeling inexplicably gave her a sense of security, and she no longer curled up her body.

Bai Jiujiu turned around and hugged him directly, murmuring, "Hug, little bear."

This is, he is regarded as a bear?Is it such a big bear?
A certain person's face darkened, and three black lines slid across the back of his forehead.

The next day.

Bai Jiujiu opened his eyes hazily, and a handsome and tough face was directly imprinted in her eyes, so handsome, is this a dream?

Bai Jiujiu continued to close his eyes again, why was that appearance so familiar just now?

It seems... It's Lu Sichen!
Bai Jiujiu's whole body was as if being hit by an electric current, his consciousness came to him instantly, and he opened his eyes suddenly!

After blinking twice, it really was him!

Bai Jiujiu remembered that Lu Sichen had a severe temper tantrum, but the moment he just woke up, his temper was the worst, so don't mess with anyone.

She held back her desire to cry out, and wanted to get up and sneak away.

 PS: This chapter may be modified a bit long-winded, I hope you don't mind, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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