Chapter 1315

Duanmuyi slowly let go of his hand and said with a slight smile, "I'll go meet that dog."

After that, she turned around and quickly disappeared into the jungle.

Di Kongxuan let out a breath slowly, but suddenly felt his heart was congested.

On the one hand, there was the voice and smile of that person in the past, and on the other hand, Duanmuyi's pretended relaxed expression, which made him confused.

He covered his heart and sighed, "Qingqing..."

"Ah—" Duanmuyi's hasty cry came from a distance, followed by a tyrannical aura spreading in all directions.

Di Kongxuan came back to his senses, and frowned: "It's right and wrong!"

The red shadow flashed, and he had already appeared tens of meters away.

However, when he appeared at the place where the breath erupted, Duanmuyi had disappeared.

He frowned, released his soul consciousness, covered a hundred meters around, but there was still no aura of Duanmuyi.

His heart suddenly panicked, and his hands and feet felt cold in an instant.

"Ahem..." The girl's weak cough suddenly came from under her feet, "Uncle Emperor, hold your feet high, I can't get up."

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes, and suddenly found that he was stepping on a white and tender palm.

Duanmuyi was lying in a puddle at his feet, dirty from top to bottom, with fallen leaves all over her body.

He was so anxious just now that he didn't notice it.

"The dog is dead, and I slashed the dog and ran away." Duanmuyi sat up, brushed off the fallen leaves on his body, and covered his abdomen.

There, there was a bloody mouth, gurgling blood.

Seeing Di Kongxuan looking over with deep eyes, Duanmu smiled wryly: "I was scratched by Yan Fei... I said, smelling my blood, you are going to be poisoned again, right?
For those in the deep mountains and old forests, let Dabai bear with it first, and come out to play with him later, you are more reliable right now. "

"So much nonsense." Di Kongxuan squatted down and hugged her horizontally, his whole body was full of breath.

Fu Fei, who was hiding in the dark and was about to give them a fatal blow, was startled by his majestic momentum and sobbed, and quietly disappeared into the jungle.

In a cave deep in the dense forest, Di Kongxuan slowly retracted his kung fu, and Duanmuyi, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, opened his eyes slightly with trembling eyes.

At this moment, a blue-silver light flashed in her eyes, like two lightning bolts, fleeting.

"Thank you." She let out a breath and said lightly.

Di Kongxuan noticed the alienation in her tone and felt unhappy, so he immediately walked outside.

Duanmuyi silently followed him out of the cave, and when he looked outside, he was suddenly startled.

The Yanfei she had fought with before was standing outside the cave entrance, and besides that, there were three bigger ones watching them all together.

It seems that it is the helper that Feifei found?

Duanmuyi clenched her fists, she had fought with Yanfei before, and found that Yanfei was at least level [-] at the Golden Core stage.

For human beings, it is already at the late stage of Jindan's cultivation. Even if she can rely on innate skills such as summoning and control to deal with it, there is no [-]% chance of winning.

Looking at Di Kongxuan in a blink of an eye, he had already walked over without looking sideways.

Duanmu said: "..."


Di Kongxuan's footsteps paused, and he said coldly: "If you can't even beat a wounded Yan Fei, it's better for you to die."

"..." This uncle, no matter what he said, he didn't even have a word of gentle comfort, so there was a need for such a vicious tongue!
Duanmu advised him not to talk too much, and easily stretched out his hand, and knocked out the three bigger jifeis.

(End of this chapter)

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