Chapter 1316

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his wide sleeves, and his whole body flew out like flying catkins, a few golden lights flashed in the midair, only to hear Yan Fei roaring, excruciatingly painful.

Duanmuyi drew out the Seven Treasures Blade with his backhand, and without saying a word, he also ran towards this Yanfei.

Yan Fei is a monster like this, whose intelligence is not yet developed, relying on brute force and innate illusion skills.

However, Duanmuyi's innate skills are aimed at all spirits, and he has learned the techniques of control, which is precisely the best way to restrain Yinfei.

Yan Fei tried to release the illusion several times, but failed. Instead, he was almost controlled by Duanmuyi twice.

There are countless spiritual creatures in the mountain and sea spiritual realm, and Duanmuyi is now trying to use two or more functions at once, while controlling the entanglement of weeds, and at the same time making vines weave into a net to block them.

In the end, he issued an order to a piranha not far away.

The piranha sprayed out a few mouthfuls of flower juice, and Ying Fei was soaked by the flower juice, and half of his body was bloody in an instant.

It looked up to the sky and screamed, and then turned around and ran away.

Duanmuyi's spiritual power moved under his feet, and he caught up with it in the blink of an eye.

However, in the next second, a sharp arrow shot out from a dark place in the forest, hitting Fei Fei's left eyeball.

Yan Fei howled in pain and fell to the ground.

Duanmuyi followed to the ground and stood beside it, but his eyes were tightly locked on the direction that the arrow came from.She really didn't expect to meet people in the mountain and sea spiritual realm.

When the trees were divided, three people came out.

Two men and one woman, the one who bears the arrow is the woman.

Seeing her, the woman frowned and said, "Hey, ugly monster, this is the monster I killed, what are you still standing there for?"

Duanmu didn't want to get entangled with them at all, just about to leave, when he heard her say that, he suddenly bent his lips and smiled.

The face smeared with mud and water also showed a different kind of dazzling demeanor, which made the eyes of the two men on the opposite side light up.

She tilted her head, looked at the three of them, and asked innocently: "You killed it? But why do I feel that I killed this monster?"

The woman looked at her and sneered: "Only by you?

If you are alone, can you still kill this kind of cultivator?

What a joke! "

"If I hadn't exhausted its strength and severely injured it, you three mortal bodies, with just this one arrow, wouldn't you be able to kill it?"

Duanmuyi sucked in her palm, and between the breaths of spiritual power, she pulled out the arrow that was stuck in Yan Fei's left eye.

The word "Yu" was engraved on the body of the sword, presumably it was the woman's name.

"You ugly monster with no vision, this is the Poyun Arrow, the Poyun Arrow that can break through all armor in the world.

Not to mention the eyes of Fei Fei, even the dragon armor can pierce through it. "

The woman smiled contemptuously, and immediately stepped forward, pulling out the dagger she was carrying, "Ben... I'm going to get the demon pill, are you still holding on?"

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows: "When did I say that the demon pill was given to you?"

"You..." The woman's willow eyebrows stood on end, and she immediately shouted, "I don't know what's good! Lin Feng, Lin Yue, kill her!"

Hearing the words, the two men looked at each other, pulled out the scimitar from their waists without saying a word, and turned over.The blade is sharp, with a trace of cold light across it.

Duanmuyi made a wrong step, avoiding the blade on the left, and immediately slapped it on the blade with the power of his palm.

At the same time, she bent down and kicked another person's wrist, sending him flying.

A face to face, the two retreated at the same time.

The woman had already exclaimed: "Are you a cultivator?"

(End of this chapter)

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