Chapter 1317

But Duanmuyi frowned - she didn't expect that these two people were just ordinary people.

She used her spiritual power on them, and at this moment in the dantian, the golden core that had been floating up and down suddenly stagnated.

Obviously, the spiritual power was sealed again.

"She's been sealed." The woman obviously knew this rule, and said immediately, "Hurry up and do it!"

"Let's deal with her, princess, you should take the demon pill first." I don't know if it was Lin Feng or Lin Yue who spoke, but the two men attacked again.

Duanmuyi glanced at the woman, did not expect that she was a princess?
The woman sneered: "What are you looking at, let them gouge out your eyeballs later!
Without spiritual power, I'll see how you can fight. "

Duanmu smiled back, half contemptuous, half mocking.

If you think that she is useless without spiritual power, you are probably very wrong.

The edge of the knife slashed against her neck, and she put her two fingers together to clamp the tip of the knife, and with the other hand, she slammed the man's abdomen hard.

He retreated in pain and raised his foot to kick over.

Duanmuyi twisted his leg, and his knee hit his inner thigh forcefully.

A feeling of soreness, swelling and numbness came, and he found that one of his legs could not move.

Duanmuyi had already left him alone, turned around, avoided the other person, grabbed a handful of stones on the ground, swung his wrist deftly, and all the stones hit the woman.

The man turned around to save him, but Duanmuyi punched him on the back again, and while he was staggering, he bent his elbow and hit him, and then twisted his legs, the man didn't even scream Died.

The man over there couldn't move a leg. He watched Duanmuyi kill a man with every gesture, his eyes were red, and the scimitar in his hand flew out, towards Duanmuyi's neck.

He seems to be a peak figure in the late stage of refining Qi and transforming into a god, and he can barely be called a master among ordinary people. The knife he wields is full of strength and speed.

However, Duanmu Yi could clearly see the trajectory of the saber, the seven treasured blade in his hand drew a colorful light, and the machete fell in response.

Then she twitched her toes, and the tip of the knife moved backwards, piercing the man's chest in an instant.

"You..." The man pointed at Duanmuyi, his eyes widened, and he fell to the ground.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The woman was taking out the demon pill, and when she turned her head and saw this scene, she exclaimed, "Lin Yue! Lin Feng! You, you killed them?!"

Duanmuyi walked forward slowly, and stretched out his hand towards her: "Demon Pill."

"This is what my Yuandong royal family wanted. You killed Yuandong Yuwei and even tried to take what we wanted from this princess. How many lives do you have for us to kill!" the woman yelled sternly. .

Duanmu smiled lightly and said, "Really? Then I can only kill you together."

"Great Commander!" The woman shouted loudly.

Duanmuyi's expression froze, and he released his aura, but no one came close to him.

The woman's face obviously changed a lot, she probably didn't expect that the person she called would not be by her side, did she?
Seeing Duanmuyi approaching step by step, she stepped back again and again, gritted her teeth, and threw the demon pill in her hand to her: "Here you are!"

Duanmuyi took a look at the demon pill, and put it into the spirit ring.

To be honest, she has no interest in this kind of demon pill, but it is because this woman is too arrogant that she wants to teach her a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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