Chapter 1320

Duanmuyi nodded, and asked again: "It seems that every royal family also has its own unique weapons.

Like the Poyun Arrow of the Yuandong Empire, its attack power is powerful and its attack speed is so fast that ordinary monsters really can't dodge it. "

Di Kongxuan did not refute her this time, and stopped again: "I see that your aura is becoming more and more stable, and you can go back when your cultivation base is consolidated."

"Ah?" Duanmuyi said hastily, "But I haven't absorbed the spirit energy of monsters yet."

"Can you skillfully command and use the sudden skyrocketing cultivation?" Di Kongxuan glanced at her coldly, "You can't chew more than you can chew."

Duanmuyi curled his lips, naturally he couldn't refute.

"By the way, Yan Fei's demon pill." Duan Muyi took out an intact demon pill from the spirit ring and handed it to him, "The third princess seems to be here specifically for Yan Fei's demon pill."

Di Kongxuan took it over and took a look, his eyes flickered, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes: "It is for the incidental skills that may appear in the small chance of the demon core."

"What do you mean?"

"Just as you have natural skills, there are very few people in the world who have natural skills.

However, there is a [-]% chance that there may be some incidental skills on the demon core of the monster.

For example, Fei Fei is good at creating illusions, so its demon pill may also have such skills. "Di Kongxuan said, "When this kind of demon pill is made into a weapon or integrated into a human body, the corresponding weapon and person will have the same skills, which are similar to innate skills. "

Duanmuyi suddenly realized that even though the [-]% chance was not particularly high, it was enough for a royal family to send someone to the Mountain Sea Spiritual Realm to hunt and kill monsters.

"Then this demon pill..."


Duanmuyi was a little disappointed, and put the demon pill into the spirit ring in a boring way.

In fact, she is quite interested in Yan Fei's ability to create illusions.

Di Kongxuan caught a glimpse of her expression, and immediately said: "I just felt it, in this forest, there are quite a lot of scorpions, and their cultivation bases are all around the fiftieth level of the golden core stage, they are the most suitable opponents for you. "

Duanmuyi's eyes lit up, and he quickened his pace: "Then what are you waiting for!"

Three days later, the waterfall outside the village suddenly stopped strangely. Immediately afterwards, a small opening opened in the middle of the waterfall, and two figures flew out and landed on the ground outside the pool.

Duanmuyi took a deep breath and sighed: "The aura in the human world is indeed very thin."

"There are more and more ordinary people who want to become cultivators, and one day all these auras will disappear." Di Kongxuan said lightly, then turned and walked towards the village.

Duanmuyi said as he walked: "I never thought that you are still a person who cares about the world?"

"The world?" Di Kongxuan's eyes were extremely indifferent, and his smile contained a hint of sarcasm, "Even if everyone in the world dies in front of me, it has nothing to do with me."

Duanmuyi pursed her lips, stroked the spirit ring with one hand, and a light blue demon pill appeared in her palm.

In the past three days, she had hunted and killed five wild animals, and her cultivation base had been completely stabilized at the early stage of Golden Core, and she had improved slightly.

And the biggest harvest is this demon pill!
A demon pill that possesses a unique illusion skill.

One fifth, it can be said to be very lucky.

Di Kongxuan turned his head and said, "Put it away, so as not to cause trouble."

Back at the farmer's house, the kind midwife was chatting with several mothers-in-law of similar age.

(End of this chapter)

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