Chapter 1321

"Sin, such a small child, his parents abandoned him."

"If you want me to say, it's hard to say whether this couple is a couple or not."

"Young man, you are shameless and irresponsible after giving birth to a child. Sooner or later you will be punished."

"Well, if they don't come back, I'll send the child to the government tomorrow, and let the government judge justice for this poor child."

Duanmuyi circled his palms, put them on his lips, and coughed awkwardly: "We're back."

Several people raised their heads one after another, and the old lady had already stood up, walked up to her vigorously, pointed at her nose and scolded: "Is there such a mother as you?
The baby has just been born, and the confinement period is not sitting. For five days, where have you been? "


"So irresponsible, what if something happens to the child?"


"Poor little baby, she doesn't cry or make trouble, such an obedient child, do you really have the heart!"

"I'm not his mother!" Duanmuyi finally roared out quickly.

Several old women were stunned.

Duanmuyi had already entered the room, Dikongxuan followed closely behind and closed the door.

Outside the door, the mothers-in-law started a new round of discussion, Di Kongxuan casually wiped it, and set a ban on the door.

Those voices were immediately cut off.

Erhu was still lying on the bed, saw them come back, and sat up excitedly: "Master, look, I have learned to sit!"

Duanmu said: "..."

"It's time to go." Di Kongxuan reminded, "Tomorrow is Qixi Festival, the royal family of the Hull Empire has a banquet, and it is also the most chaotic time in the entire palace."

Duanmuyi looked back at him, and read the message from his eyes: "You mean, go to the palace tomorrow to get Shatangmu's Mu Xin?"

Di Kongxuan nodded, and looked at Erhu: "However, what should Erhu do, you have to find a way."

"Throw it in the inn." Duanmuyi said casually.

Erhu was crying and pawing at the sheets.

"With Mu Xin taken away, it is very likely that we will leave the Hull Empire immediately." Di Kongxuan reminded.

Duanmu thought for a while, grabbed the ear fox, and stuffed it into Dikongxuan's arms at lightning speed: "Then you hold it."

Di Kongxuan picked up Erhu's collar and threw it firmly on Duanmuyi's shoulder: "Your spiritual pet, what's the matter with Mr. Ben?"

Erhu immediately hugged Duanmuyi's head, and said childishly: "Master, don't leave Erhu, Erhu will be very good."

Duanmuyi really lost his temper.

Leaving the village, Erhu had already changed into the clothes of the village baby.

Duanmuyi really didn't know how to hold a child, so he finally chose to let Erhu sit on his shoulder.

Although such a young child can sit, it looks scary, but Duanmuyi doesn't want to care about it.

The two quickly left the village with a pet, and after changing their appearance, they re-entered the imperial capital.

Because the Qixi Festival is approaching, the imperial capital is full of joy in all directions, especially the girls walking on the street, all of them are full of enthusiasm, and they can't wait to see their lover immediately.

Therefore, the "family of three" formed by Dikongxuan, Duanmuyi and Erhu seemed extremely happy.

I planned to find an inn to live in, but who knew that the inn was full.

"What should we do now?" Duanmuyi asked.

Suddenly, a carriage stopped in front of the two of them, the driver took off his bamboo hat, looked at Di Kongxuan and said, "My lord, everything is ready."

As he spoke, he handed over an envelope.

(End of this chapter)

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