Chapter 1322

Di Kongxuan reached out to take it, but he didn't look at it, and put it directly into Duanmuyi's hand.

Duanmuyi recognized this person as the secret guard who had been following Dikongxuan, named Xunyi.

When she was in the Jialan tribe, she was responsible for throwing Duanmu Xiaoxiao out, so she was deeply impressed.

Xun Yi exchanged a glance with her, said with a smile, "Miss Duanmu."

"This is—" Duanmuyi looked down at the envelope.

"It was a great official in the frontier named Huang Siyuan, who led [-] soldiers and horses to guard the southern frontier.

This time when he returned to Beijing to report on his duties, it happened to coincide with the Qixi Festival, so Emperor Hull invited him to bring his family to the palace for a banquet. Xun Yi explained, "This is your identity." "

He pointed at the two of them, and added: "Master Huang, Mrs. Huang, young master."

The ear fox blinked, and the fox ears were exposed again.

Duanmuyi raised his hand, pressed its ear back, and the corner of his mouth twitched—is he really going to role-play this time?

"However, it's best to cover up the color of the young master's eyes." Xun Yi said again.

The eyeballs of the ear fox are still green, and it doesn't have a good ability to control the changes in its appearance. It is its best effort to put away the fox's ears.

After getting into the carriage, Xunyi took them to the post where the officials lived.

"Did you think of this way early?" Duanmuyi asked, "What about the real Huang Siyuan?"

Di Kongxuan leaned against the wall of the car, bent his lips and smiled: "Why don't you guess?"

"It can't be about killing them." Duanmuyi said after a moment of silence, "If it is said that they were knocked out and locked up, there is no guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

Is Huang Siyuan also yours? "

Di Kongxuan smiled softly: "It's not my man, but he saved his life."

"It's a plan, you." Duan Muyi couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

Outside the station, the guards were heavily guarded, and a carriage stopped slowly.

Immediately, two defenders came up to check, Xunyi handed over a name card, and then opened the curtain of the car.

Inside the car, the woman was holding the infant baby in her arms, and was lazily leaning against Di Kongxuan's arms. When she saw the curtain was lifted, she didn't feel any embarrassment. Instead, she bent her lips and smiled, saying softly: : "Master~"

The man was peeling the grapes, and slowly stuffed the grapes into her mouth, then raised his head, and said coldly, "Have you seen enough? Can you let me go?"

"Ah, yes, Mrs. Huang, Mrs. Huang, please..." The defender hurriedly backed away.

The carriage slowly drove into the post house, through the carriage, Duanmuyi heard two people outside muttering: "I heard that Mrs. Huang's wife is a peerless beauty, seeing her today is really extraordinary."

"Yes, yes, no wonder Mr. Huang was eaten to death."

"Master Huang's lustful reputation is as famous as his illustrious military exploits. I heard that he has changed countless women, but only Mrs. Huang has stayed."

"Such a beautiful lady, if it were me, I'm afraid I won't be able to get off the couch every night..."

Then there was a burst of lewd laughter.

Duanmuyi had already sat up straight, threw Erhu to the side, and a murderous intent flashed across his eyes.

She was about to deal with the two defenders, when she suddenly sensed a breath, swept from the roof of the posthouse towards the carriage, and immediately restrained her murderous aura.

Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand, threw the bunch of grapes into her arms, and said calmly, "Serve me."

The carriage stopped in the post house, and Xun Yi respectfully said: "My lord, madam, please get off."

After a while, there was no movement in the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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