Chapter 1326

Outside the pavilion, ten elegantly dressed women guarded with swords, and there were several dark and powerful auras in the dark.

At this moment, Mugen was extremely hot.

Duanmu intended to put it into the spirit ring, and raised his eyes to look at the pavilion.

Inside the pavilion, a woman in snow clothes sat in front of the qin platform, with her long and slender fingers brushing the strings of the qin, playing wonderful music.

Opposite her is a hanging portrait, the ink on the portrait is not dry, it seems to be newly completed.

The man in the portrait, with black hair and red clothes, has a stern expression, and a pair of red golden eyes are like gods, looking at all directions, it is Di Kongxuan.

"Bang", the window lattice was suddenly knocked.

She raised her beautiful eyes, and the maid beside her walked over to take a look, and shook her head at her.

The sound of the piano stopped, and she walked to the window, wiped her hands against the night, and then pointed in one direction.

The guards below surrounded him one after another: "Who is it!"

Duanmuyi was startled, she was indeed hiding here, but she thought she was very good at concealing her breath, why did this woman know her location all of a sudden?

It seems that she is also a practitioner.

Duanmuyi was not in a hurry, since the guards were all attracted here, it was more convenient for her to act.

Immediately, he leaned against a tree and activated the exercises. The self-created exercises made the spiritual power in his body instantly integrate with the big tree behind him, and all the breath disappeared.

"Huh?" Xin Xuerou was stunned for a moment, and immediately made a seal with both hands, perceiving the past carefully.

But no matter how she perceives it, she can no longer detect the previous breath.

Her face finally turned serious, and she turned her head to tell the maid: "Strengthen your guard."

"Yes." The maid answered.

Two of the ten guards stayed at the door, but Duanmuyi walked around to the backyard, holding the thin creeper with one hand, and the spirit power in her hand, the creeper, which would break if she pulled it, became extremely hard under the nourishment of her spiritual power.

She dragged the creeper and quickly entered the yard.

The plants around sent her messages one after another, and this place happened to be a gap in defense. She used the information fed back by the plants to fly in through an open window.

The next moment, the strengthened defense force has already wrapped up this empty area.

Duanmuyi stood in the room for a while, after getting used to the darkness, he took out the roots and searched again.

Unexpectedly, however, the wood root no longer had any heat, and turned into a freezing temperature.

She frowned, stuffed it into her arms, and walked up to the second floor.

The sound of the piano sounded again, and she searched the second floor and went to the third floor.

On the third floor, only the room with the sound of the zither was lit with candles. Just as Duanmuyi was standing at the door, the roots in his arms suddenly gave off a hot breath. Duanmuyi was caught off guard and let out a muffled snort.

At the same time, the strings of the zither snapped, and blood shot from Xin Xuerou's fingers.

"Who!" The maid in the room shouted coldly, and a sword had already been handed out through the crack of the door.

Duanmuyi put the wooden root into the spirit ring, condensed the spiritual power in his palm, and built a barrier in front of him.

The next moment, the tip of the sword reached the barrier, but it couldn't advance an inch.

What made Duanmuyi heave a sigh of relief was that the person holding the sword was also a cultivator, and the spiritual power in her dantian was not sealed.

Now that it has been discovered, Duanmuyi can only make a quick decision.

She pushed the door open, and with the spiritual force in her hand, countless creepers suddenly crawled into the room from the window, wrapping the maid's hands and feet.

Xin Xuerou's body was full of aura, and those creepers couldn't get close.

(End of this chapter)

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