Chapter 1327

"It's you?" She narrowed her eyes.

Duanmuyi frowned: "You are?"

Xin Xuerou bent her lips and smiled lightly: "Oh, last time you were rescued by His Highness the Prince, you were lucky.

Today, it is fate for us to meet each other, so I will send you—”

"That's a lot of nonsense." Duanmuyi didn't bother to listen to her chattering, and without saying a word, Qibao Ren made a move and stabbed towards her empty door.

Xin Xuerou's eyes flickered, revealing a chill: "Seven Treasures Blade! He actually..."

As she spoke, she raised her wrist, and a phantom of a peony flower appeared in front of her.

The fragrance of the flowers came to the nostrils, and the Qibao Blade stabbed at it in the blink of an eye.

Duanmuyi's expression changed, and he flew back.

In the next second, the flower trembled, and countless petals stabbed at her.

The spiritual power quickly condensed, and she controlled the creeper to block the petals.

As soon as they fought, she realized that something was wrong.

The exercises of the woman in front of me are very similar to hers.Whether it is the breath or the number of paths, they are very similar.

Xin Xuerou still smiled: "It seems that you also have a relationship with plants?"

Duan Muyi raised his eyes, took back the Seven Treasure Blade, and then made a seal with his hands: "I disappoint you, I am not only destined for plants."

As her seal formula fell, the ear-piercing birdsong suddenly came out of the window, and countless birds fluttered from all over the palace, flying towards here.

This kind of movement was enough to startle the people who were having a banquet. Di Kongxuan was the first to notice it, and when he looked up, the corners of his lips curled up in an imperceptible indifferent arc.

The emperor saw his smile inadvertently, and was taken aback. He felt that this smile gave him a chill, so he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with Master Huang?"

Di Kongxuan turned his head and laughed presumptuously: "I seem to have heard several birdsong?"

"Birds?" The emperor froze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a eunuch hurried into the hall, knelt in the hall and said, "Your Majesty, a flock of birds are flying towards Xiyuan!"

He Erchuan had already got up: "Oh, such a spectacle, this king is going to see it."


The emperor's expression changed, and he stood up quickly: "I'll go and have a look too, all my loves continue!"

The meaning of continuing, of course, is not to allow hundreds of officials to follow.

Then, "Lord Huang" returned to his seat, and all the officials watched the emperor and prince leave.

At the same time, Xin Xuerou also showed a look of surprise.

As the owner of the Sihua Pavilion, she has the ability to command all the flowers in the world, and the exercises she practiced are made with the spiritual power of flowers.

In the previous fight, she naturally thought that Duanmuyi could also absorb the spiritual power of plants for her own use, but she did not expect that she could also summon animals.

She has never heard of this kind of exercise.

However, Xin Xuerou is at the beginning of Yuanying's cultivation, looking at the entire vast continent, there are only a few dozen people who can match her.

It was only a test just now, she could sense that Duanmuyi's cultivation was only at the early stage of Jindan, which was several levels behind her, and she immediately felt a killing intent in her heart.

Facing Xin Xuerou's sudden attack, Duanmuyi was even more surprised.

Among the people she is currently fighting, the one with the highest cultivation level should be Di Kongxuan, followed by the elder of the Duanmu family, and the woman in front of her can be ranked third.

If nothing else, he should also be a master in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Duanmuyi flew to dodge, but fortunately she has a unique technique, because of her natural skills, she can absorb the spiritual power of all things in the world anytime and anywhere for her own use, and the spiritual power in her dantian has never been exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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