Chapter 1329

"Get out!" Di Kongxuan waved her hand and threw her far away.

Xin Xuerou turned over in mid-air, landed steadily, glanced at Duanmuyi, laughed smartly, and disappeared into the dark night with her.

"Tell Emperor Hull about the cooperation between Sihuage and him, and we will talk about it later."

The arrogance around Di Kongxuan's body still persisted, he stood straight in the night, his fists clenched tightly, wisps of golden spiritual power lingered between his fists.

Probably because his aura was too cold, Erhu didn't care about anything, and immediately jumped off his shoulders, fell to pieces, and then crawled to Duanmuyi's side using all fours.

The fragrance of flowers around was still there, and Duanmuyi still had phantoms in front of her eyes. She forcefully expelled the poison just now, but she didn't completely expel it completely. At this time, there was still residual poison in her body.

Erhu cut her own finger and let her drink her own blood.

Erhu's blood can detoxify all kinds of poisons, so the remaining poison in Duanmuyi's body was naturally detoxified at this time.

She stood up holding the ear fox and looked at Dikongxuan.

"Just now--"

"Shut up!" Di Kongxuan glanced at her coldly, turned around and left.

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Damn, the ability to vent anger is getting stronger and stronger."

"Not following up?" He said impatiently.

It must be my aunt, otherwise how could this uncle's mood be so volatile.

Duanmuyi took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and followed him out of here.

Not long after the two left, the emperor and He Erchuan also arrived.

The emperor looked around, but he didn't see Xin Xuerou, but he saw the maid's body.

He Erchuan squatted down to check, and frowned: "Looking at the attack method, it should be a cultivator."

"Search! At all costs, we must catch the murderer!"

Heerchuan listened to the emperor's order, but a dark light flashed in his eyes.


Such a coincidence, could it be her?

Before Di Kongxuan and Duanmuyi left the palace, they found that the defense of the palace suddenly became stricter.

There were countless archers running around on the roof, and the palaces were all searched by guards, not even letting go of any corners.

It was impossible for the two to hide in one place all the time, and they were finally discovered.

"Here!" A group of guards drew their swords.

After being discovered by the palace guards, more and more guards surrounded the two hiding places.

Restricted by the rules, practitioners who attack ordinary people will be sealed with spiritual power.

Although Di Kongxuan's cultivation has escaped this rule, but after Duanmuyi's spiritual power cannot be used, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the overwhelming guards.

"When I came here just now, I saw a small door over there. I don't know what's behind it." Duanmuyi said.

Di Kongxuan responded coldly, turned around and said, "Let's go."

Seeing that his attitude was still indifferent, Duanmuyi clenched his fists, smiled coldly, and followed his pace.

She really swears that when he becomes Dabai, she will not bully him to death.

The ear fox was sleeping soundly on her shoulder, which showed that it was also heartless.

Duanmuyi endured and endured, so he didn't throw Erhu out.

The small door was not far away, the torches of the pursuers could still be seen, and Di Kongxuan had already opened the small door.

The two sneaked in, and when they turned around, they saw He Erchuan.

Behind the small gate was a yard. He Erchuan was sitting under the silk tree in the yard with his clothes open and his arms exposed, holding a jug of wine in his hand.

Duanmu Yi's eyes flickered and he looked around.

With a thought, the plants around her sent messages to her, and there was no hidden killer.

She raised her eyebrows, more puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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