Chapter 1330

Di Kongxuan glanced at him, and walked towards the other door of the small courtyard, not paying attention to him at all.

He Erchuan put down the wine jar, and waved to Duanmuyi: "Mrs. Peony, come and drink with me. Your master has no eyesight. I don't know that the back door is also surrounded by guards."

Di Kongxuan looked back, he was in a bad mood tonight, and He Erchuan dared to challenge his patience.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, the heavy stone table flew into the air and hit He Erchuan.

"Good time!" He Erchuan laughed, stepped back again and again, concentrated spiritual power in his palm, and caught the stone table.

However, Dikongxuan's strength still made a long rut on the ground with his feet.

With a bang, He Erchuan twisted his waist, swung his arms, and threw the stone table to the ground, his face flushed and his blood boiled.

After a while, his face regained his composure, and he let out a breath, only to feel that his arms were numb.

He already thought that Di Kongxuan was unfathomable, but after this confrontation, he realized that he still underestimated him.

If this movement did not arouse the suspicion of the guards outside, it would be unreasonable.

Immediately, someone knocked on the door: "His Royal Highness, are you in?"

It turned out that this courtyard was He Erchuan's resting place in the palace, Duanmuyi only glanced at it briefly, and didn't see the writing on the plaque above.

He Erchuan jumped up to the wall, still holding a jar of wine in his hand, and asked with drunken eyes: "This king is here to drink and watch the moon, what are you all making such a fuss about?
Ouch, it's Tener, you boy, come come, come and have a drink with me. "

The leader of the guards took half a step back, and said with a dry smile: "No, no, please drink slowly, your Highness, and the subordinates are ordered to search for people, and I will drink with you later, hehehehe..."

The guards searched in the distance, but the leader still kept an eye out and sent a small team to guard here, in the name of protecting the safety of His Royal Highness.

He Erchuan also smiled, returned to the courtyard, and looked at Di Kongxuan: "You are very powerful, but if you want to leave the palace, you have to listen to me."

"No need." Di Kongxuan coldly refused.

He wants to leave the palace, there are many ways, but the whereabouts are too obvious, he has nothing to fear, but it's a pity that Duanmu Yi's cultivation level is not enough to deal with some people hiding behind.

But if he had to, he was not afraid to fight those people again.

After all, the current him is enough to look down on the entire vast continent.

"I'll go with you." Duanmuyi said suddenly.

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, stretched out his hand, and pulled her behind him, narrowing his eyes dangerously: "Say it again?"

Duanmuyi looked back at him calmly, and said: "No matter what, go out first."

"My Mrs. Peony is right." He Erchuan laughed.

Di Kongxuan only felt that the anger in his heart was like a prairie fire, burning away his last calmness.

He shook off her hand, without saying a word, turned his head and left, and disappeared into the night as soon as he stretched his figure.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, even more dumbfounded.

When this person lost his temper, it really shook the world and wept ghosts and gods.

Just leave her behind?

Duanmuyi frowned slightly, thinking in her heart - who is that Xin Ruqing that Xin Xuerou said?

Why did Di Kongxuan lose control when he heard her name?

"Haha, your master left you behind." He Erchuan leaned forward and raised the wine jar, "Little Pepper, come and have a drink with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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